9: Tetsuro Kuroo - True Love (Lemon)

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Warning! There's sexual content in this oneshot, I repeat, sexual content in this oneshot!

Note: This oneshot started out as pure floof. It then became a lime. It then became a lemon, and of course, because it's me, it's perhaps a little long... (4500 words, sorry)

 When Kuroo first moved to the neighbourhood he was shy and reserved, even more so than Kenma. Kuroo's dad always dropped him off at Kenma's house whenever he needed someone to look after him, and each time he did so Kenma always called me over as I was quite an outgoing person who knew how to make conversation, even with introverts like the two boys.

Together we'd play video games, Kuroo introduced the two of us to volleyball and at school we became inseparable so much so that somehow Kuroo had managed to get Kenma to join the volleyball team. As we grew up, Kuroo became quite extroverted and had the instincts of a leader, so it was no surprise when he became the new captain of the volleyball team when he entered his third year. "Well done Kuroo!" I leant up and kissed him on the cheek as he held his jersey with the number one planted on the front and back.

"Thanks (y/n)," he blushed. I adored making him blush, he managed to get flustered around me so easily and it always made me giggle. Kenma had tried to tell me that Kuroo was in love with me but I didn't really believe it, I knew he was simply getting flustered by the actions themselves rather than the fact it was me delivering them.

Kuroo and I were quite intimate friends. We'd often cuddle together whenever we were round each others houses, we'd share our food, he'd wrap his arm around my shoulder, he'd get protective whenever a guy tried to speak to me and we'd even kissed a fair few times whilst at parties. I definitely couldn't ignore the fact that he was attractive, that much was obvious to whoever looked at him. His messy bedhead that he could never tame somehow made him even more attractive, and whenever we had kissed in the past I found that my heart rate excelled whenever I ran my fingers through it, but that was just the in-the-moment feeling...

"Well, try it on," I insisted, pulling away from him and seeing his cheeks heat more which just made me giggle. Around me the other team members were slipping their tops off to try on their new jerseys but my eyes were only on Kuroo as he slipped his on. "It looks good, captain," I winked at him.

"Of course it does," he said in a slightly flirtatious tone and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"Well I better be going now," I announced to the team. "I'll see you all later!"

"Bye (y/n)!" Some said incredibly enthusiastically. I waved to Kenma and Kuroo in particular before heading back to my empty home, my parents being away on a business trip as the two of them were employees at a high-end law firm, and readied myself to do the homework I had received that day.

- Timeskip - - Kuroo's POV -

"Are you ever going to ask (y/n) to be your girlfriend?" Yaku sighed as we were in the club room, collecting our belongings ready to head home after training. I sighed at the question, having been asked it almost everyday since the team found out my feelings for the (h/c) haired girl.

I was in love with her, and had been since I was about ten. Back then I didn't know what love was, but I knew that whenever I was around her my heart would beat a little faster. Kenma was the first to figure out my feelings, him even realising before me. It ached, having feelings for one of my closest friends as I didn't want to risk what we had together by confessing. It could ruin everything, and it was too much to risk.

Despite this, the way we acted around each other was almost like we were a couple already. The intimacy we shared, not to mention the kisses that often occurred. Some of her girl friends had told me that she admitted to finding me attractive, but that didn't necessarily mean that she had feelings for me.

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