Chapter 53

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Emma didn't know what to do as she stare at her divorce papers. If she sign that means she will no longer be Jonas' wife which meant a lot of things. God, she hated this. Marriage was supposed to be forever, it wasn't something to play with but she had jump in it. But never in her life would she thought Jonas would let her go. He was possessive after all. But she asked for it, she reminded herself. This wasn't a fairytale, it was real life and that meant making real decisions.

She was sitting at her kitchen table going through it while her babies sat in their carriers. They were staring at her seriously, chewing on their thumbs. Could they sense the seriousness of the moment? Reaching over, she pet their little stomachs lovingly 'It will be okay,' she whispered 'You can see daddy every other weekend. And he still will love you guys.'

Elzbeth face screwed up as if she was about to cry. Really Elizabeth? Emma narrowed her eyes at the baby daring her to make a sound. She didn't. 'Nice baby.'

Sighing she turn back to her papers and fold them up angrily. Signing just didn't feel right. But this is what she wanted, why she had filed for them. Admittedly, she had been very angry and hurt. But now she knew that Jonas didn't sleep with Ariel it was a lot easier to digest... and to get over. But cheating wasn't the only problem they had. And did it make a difference, cheating was cheating. She just hated that she isn’t sure anymore and she don’t want to end up making the biggest mistake of her life. Thier children had to come first, this was another thing to think about. Hell, there was a lot of factors.

Oh why can't her life be easy? She wished Jonas hated her even if it's just for leaving. She thought she'd come back to his wrath not some passive man who would do anything to get back in her graces. She had expected full out war from the daring man but what had she gotten? Nothing but surrender, and a signed divorced paper signifying his white flag. He'd said it's his way of fighting for her, his way of getting her to forgive him. Could she?

He definitely wasn't the same person. He had lost some of his hard edges and he didn't hide behind his beloved mask anymore. He was more open with her than ever. And that is why it was so hard. How did she know it will last and that he wouldn't just go back to being cold with her? What will happen when he finds out she was pregnant again? Will the cycle repeat itself?

Shaking her head she got up from the table. She was too strung up to make any decisions right now. About to do the dishes, the doorbell rang.

When she opened it, she saw it was Jonas. She hadn't seen him since the party, a week ago. Emma blushed because she remembered every word he ever spoke. Including the ones telling her he loved her. It was so hard to believe.

He had been on a business trip. 'How are you? The babies?'

'They are fine. The girls are in the kitchen.' She step aside and let him in. Seeing him now she realized how she missed him, missed his nightly visits, though he had called every morning and every night. She'd let him speak to the babies, a one sided conversation she found extremely funny. They had even spoken too, and somehow it was lighter. There wasn't any animosity, no hidden, untold secrets and assumptions, now that everything was out in the open. Her chest didn't tighten or burn when she thought about him or him inside Ariel, anymore. She felt...


Shaking her head, her eyes landed on his butt. Heat rushed to her face as she admired his physique in his tight jeans. God, her husband was sexy. Stop thinking about him like that; soon he will be your ex. Maybe. 'So how was your trip?'

'Fantastic, I got what I was after.' he looked her right in the eye as if what he said should mean something to her. She raised her eyebrows at him when he blushed. Okay? 'I’ll tell you more later.' his attention turned to the girls and he spun Elzbeth around. Strangely, unlike Elzbeth, Elle hated it which was surprising seeing as she loved when Arlene jumped up and down on a bed with her. She obviously thought the spinning was much more dangerous. When he finish twerling Elzbeth around, Elle settled perfectly content on her father’s chest sucking her thumb. 'Looks like Elle wants to nap, her eyes are shutting down.' Emma moved to get her but she started wailing when she tried to move her from her daddy. Emma backed off in surrender and she stopped crying. Traitor.

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