Chapter 18

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The rest of the week flew by in a daze for Emma. Between settling and getting familiar with Jonas' family it passed by in a near daze. The last couple of days had been the busiest. Arlene, Hanna and her aunt Kelly spent all their time planning her wedding. People come and go through her house carrying with them all kinds of things for the setting. She and Jonas had agreed to have it in the backyard; it was big enough and very beautiful with all the different flowers scenting the air.

The good thing was that she didn't have to plan her wedding. All she had to do was stand aside and watch what was going on. The only thing she did was to make sure Kelly, Hanna and Arlene didn't go overboard. Imagine her shock when they wanted to include ice sculptures, doves and the likes at her wedding. But she had put her foot down and adamantly refused to admit such a thing in the whole ordeal. What surprised her most was how much Jonas got involved in it. It was like he had a specific picture he wanted to portray. He had directed those around him what he wanted to go where and what he didn't want.

She hadn't seen the finish setting yet because they had banned her from the backyard completely. She had tried to look through her bedroom window but there was a huge tent blocking the view. Emma find that she couldn't wait to be married and settle into married life, the anticipation of just wanting to get it over with was just too much. Come tomorrow she will be a married to a man she barely knew and again prayed that everything will be alright. All she had to focus on now was getting through her 'bachelorette' party. She didn't know what to expect with Arlene, Hanna and Kelly. They keep giving her secret smiles and frequent references to secret surprise. All in all it was driving her crazy.

Emma sighed and sat on the bed as she watched Jonas get ready for his bachelor party. She wondered if his brothers were taking him to a strip club. There had been a little distance between them ever since that night so long ago. It has been a little awkward, where neither of them remained in the same company for long, always preferring to mingle with others that endure the awkward silence between them. She wanted to fix it because there was no point in marrying if there was this unresolved issue between them.

She looked at him now, his partially wet hair sticking out as he shrugged into his black leather jacket. Her eyes trail down his body, eating up the way his ass form into his surprisingly tight jeans. Only he could pull off a tight jeans and not look like a douche or come off as being emasculate. The guy was so damn sexy and her heart thumb in her chest from just looking at him. And come tomorrow he will be all hers 'Enjoying the view love?' his amused voice call over to her. Her eyes snap to his as he peered at her through the mirror.

Shaking her head she blushed and look away. Stop acting like a school girl 'So your mom told me about Ariel...' she saw his body visibly stiffen and dread came over her. 'She told me you guys have a thing and I was wondering if maybe you two… still you know- love each other and stuff?' She rushed out, because she knew if she didn't she would never voice her concerns. Jonas turn to her slowly, his face an expressionless mask as he walk towards her. Shit.

Was he in love with her? Her breathing came out in short gasps when he came on the bed beside her, his hands caging her torso. Suddenly he seemed very amused 'Are you jealous Emma?' She blushed and looked away from his penetrating stare. She was jealous and she didn't like the feeling. It made her vulnerable and open up wounds that would allow Jonas to hurt her. She had watched him over the days leading up to tonight. He was kind, loving to his friends and family. She had watched the way he interacted with those in his surroundings. His commanding nature also showed that he respected those around him.

It always made her heart pound when he would suddenly turn and smile at her, no matter the invisible distance between them. He would be talking to someone and all she had done stayed in a corner and watch him like a creep. Then he would suddenly find her eyes and grin at her. She shook her head no, feeling suddenly shy and tingly from his closeness.

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