Chapter 12

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Emma threw a picture frame across her living room. After speaking with her lawyer yesterday she found out she might actually lose her babies. She had told him that Jonas had too much advantage over her especially financially and with his family.

Looking around her apartment she assessed her life. She had a good job, she had a little savings and her apartment was good enough. Sure the space wasn't ideal to raise twins but later she could buy a house in the suburbs. With the whole picket fence and backyard deal. The only problem was Fin but it had been years and he had made no attempt to harm her. But she and the guys all remain cautious. The only thing Jonas had over was well, he was more financially secure, and he had power and had a wholesome family which wasn't so different from hers.

She hated the bastard. It was beyond her comprehension why they had to get married. She started pacing the living again. He could have anyone he want and still have rights to the babies. The asshole just wanted to own her. Looking at the time again she saw that it was almost eight in the morning meaning she had about six hours before court. Her heart rate accelerated at the thought. She was already dress to start the day in a jeans skirt and a nice baby blue cotton blouse.

She sat around the apartment for a good half hour before she come to a decision. Angrily she got up and went for her purse in the bed room. She had already looked up where Jonas worked so finding it would be no problem now. It made her mad that she had to agree to his terms but she planned on giving him hell. She opened her front door and jumped when she saw Jesse standing there, fisted hands paused in mid-air. 'I was just about to knock.'

She grinned, her anger cooling for a moment 'So I notice.' He looked like he had been on his routine run with his dishevelled blonde hair, sweat soaked grey marina and shorts. Jesse lived only half hour away from her building and would occasionally check in when he ran 'I was on my way out but come on in.'

'No, let's walk down. I just came to check on you.' They walk towards her elevator in silence. Jesse seem like he wanted to say something and she was about to ask when he continued 'So you have to be in court by two o'clock right?'

He sighed and nodded 'How would you feel about moving out of the country?' She mused half serious. 'I don't want to go to court but I don't want to marry Jonas either and those are my only options.'

Jesse laughed 'So what's your decision?'

Emma sighed 'I'm going down his office now.'

'I think you're making the right decision. He really seems to want to marry you.'

'It doesn't make any sense to me. He can see the babies anytime he wants, why marry me?'

'You're the mother of his babies and you're a beautiful girl, it's only natural he would want to marry you.' Emma blushed at his comment. She felt weird anytime someone paid her a compliment 'It's going to be alright.'

'He's going to hate me sooner or later; it could be next week or the next two years. He doesn't love me and I don' him.' That was what worried her the most. It made her ache to think that he will start hating her for being trapped in a loveless marriage. 'What if he find someone he loves, or fall in love with someone. I would just die.'

'You say you don't love him right?' She nodded automatically. 'Soo it shouldn't be a problem if the marriage doesn't work.'

She didn't think it was that easy. She had the strongest feeling that she was in too deep already. She had lost apart of herself that night six months ago, not only physically. A piece of her heart had stayed with Jonas when she walked out of that hotel room. Only now she knew what a bastard he was, so falling for him was impossible right? 'It's just ones way of protecting herself, whether she's emotionally involved or not. Someone's bound to get hurt in this sham of marriage.' The #ding# of the elevator signalled their stop in the lobby. She waved a good morning to her old friend behind the reception desk.

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