Chapter 13

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After parking his Bentley in the apartment complex, he got out and open Emma's door. He didn't have the heart to wake her so he unbuckled her seat belt and carefully lift her from the car. He stumbled a bit but caught his balance. Her apartment was middle class and he knew that it wasn't a bad neighbourhood. Slowly as to not to jolt her he made his way through the lobby and after saying a brief hello to the receptionist he head to the elevator. Emma started to stir but she didn't open her eyes. His babies must make her really tired, especially after waking up so soon. The elevator stop on the fifth floor and he stepped out and walk to her door. It was unlock and slightly ajar. He wondered if something was wrong or if it was just the Jesse person.

Before he could think of his options the door open revealing a tall man with brown hair and deep set almond eyes. From the scowl on his face he didn't particularly like him. Jonas didn't care 'What did you do to her?' the man yelled, effectively waking Emma. She moaned and opened her eyes looking a little confused. Her eyes then focus on the man in the door way and she coloured.

'Um, morning Jesse,' she whispered softly. Jonas held her tight when she started to struggle out of his hand. 'You can put me down Jonas. Thanks for the ride and I'll call you soon.' If she thinks she was getting rid of him that easy, she has another thing coming.

'Not on your life sweet heart.' He ignored her protest and the nasty glare Jesse was giving. It's going to take more than that to intimidate me buddy. He pushed pass him and head into the apartment. 'Where's your bedroom?' She sighed and pointed down the hall. Her apartment wasn't that big but it suited her. It show case her personal style and her love for colour and art. He wondered about the art work lining the hall way as he carried her to her bed room. She pointed to the door on the right and he walked in a place her gently on the floor. He stared at her for a few minutes before he kiss her lips softly 'Why don't you get some sleep. You seem pretty tired.' He reached down and rests his hands gently on her stomach. It never gets old for him.

'I'm not so tired anymore. I'll just take a shower.'

'Okay. I'll be out in the living if you need me. Just shout... On second thought are you okay with bathing yourself? Do you need help? What if you fall and hurt yourself and the babies?' The thought made his stomach hurt 'Let me join you.'

'NO! I mean no, I'm fine. You don't have to worry I've been bathing myself for a while now...' she chuckled lightly and move out of his arms. He sighed and watched her as she move around the small bedroom. Again it was filled with colour, symbolizing her bright nature. Her furniture was a matching lime green set of dresser, Chester draw and bed side tables. Her bed was a small one, just for her. 'Um can you leave? I need to change...'

'I have seen you naked Emma both before and after you got pregnant. How do you think I get you out of your clothes last night?' She blushed but still held her firm look. She continued to stare at him expectantly and he sighed 'Fine. Remember to call if you need me...' When she nod he left her room, pulling up the door ajar.

When he got to the living room Jesse and another guy was there sitting in the living room. The new guy looked uncomfortable in the plush orange couch. It was obvious that he worked out a lot from his muscles encased in his too small polo shirt. They were both glaring at him but Jonas wasn't fazed. 'I'm Jonas Milano and as you have guessed Emma is carrying my twins. Emma told me about Fin and I understand you guys are her protectors?' Their mouths drop open in shock, he guess they never expected her to tell him.

'Yes. I'm Jesse Carter and this is Albert Caswel. We were DEA agents working on Fins case. We left after our last case and now we help keep Emma safe.' He explained after awhile, studying him with intense eyes. 'If you know so much then you know that Fin is a dangerous man and with her in the media we have to leave soon.'

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