Chapter 40

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It was two days later that Emma felt it. Well it could be the third day since it was four in the morning. Earlier in the night she had felt so uncomfortable and tired. She couldn't sleep because the babies kept kicking like crazy. And with her inane husband making love to her twice, she had been exhausted. Which it should have been enough to knock her out which wasn’t the case as she’d fallen asleep around 11pm. Now sitting up in bed she looked around the partially lit room wondering at first what woke her up. Panic lined her features because from the slight tightening in her stomach she knew.

It was a contraction.

Jonas, you fucker. Literally. She thought with displeasure. It was his entire fault. Why the hell did she allow him to make love to her? He had been driving her nuts the past two days, his insistent hovering, his refusal to leave her alone like she was incapable of taking care of herself. Taking a deep, she hugged her stomach and settle back down trying to keep the panic at bay. Maybe she can ignore it until... she can't ignore it anymore. When her heart finally settled down, she was able to fall back asleep.


'Are you alright Emma?' Emma grinds her teeth together to keep from yelling at her husband. They were in the kitchen, she was making breakfast with her back to Jonas, who was sitting around the island in total comfort while she was there standing in pain. Asshole.

And she was in pain. A lot of it.

It felt like someone was tightening steel around her. It was hard to bend and yet they just keep forcing until it give up. Tears spring to her eyes but she blinked them away as the contraction stop. She took a minute busying her hands with dishes as she take deep breathes and calm the riot going on inside her body before she answered 'Yeah am fine.'

'Are you sure?'

'Of course I'm sure!' She yelled spinning around to glare at the man. Taking a deep breath she tried to calm down.

Jonas nodded and continued to eat his breakfast. He stared at her again, looking for any more signs. Ever since this morning when Emma woke up he had seen the slight pinch on her face and her hands caressing her tummy, her hands tightening occasionally. He’d draw one conclusion from it and that was she was having contractions. Again the excitement bubble inside him that his children will soon be here. He wondered why she didn’t tell him but guessed she was just afraid that it was really happening.

He had call Dr. Green and told her then went on to tell him to count the minutes apart from each contraction. Jonas watched her keenly. He wasn't really worried seeing as it was still early.

And it was obvious she was scared and trying to hold off the inevitable. He would let her have her "secret" for a little while longer.

As the day progressed Emma noticed the contractions were coming more regular and it was getting harder to hide. Now one grips her as she was walking into the living room and it was all she could do not to double over. It was around 12:30 in the afternoon and yet again everyone was over. Well except for Kelly.

It surprised her that no one said anything about her just standing there looking stiff as ever. They only looked briefly at her before turning back to their conversation. She looked at them in suspicion. She put down the tray of drinks she had insisted on getting. 'Where are you going Emma?' She heard William ask, an edge in his voice.

Emma felt another one coming 'Bathroom.' she squeezed out before she rushed off. Instead of the bathroom she hurried into one of the guest room. 'Fuck!' She whisper yell as she grip her stomach as her other hand drip the bed post. She looked at the piece of polished wood in surprise half expecting it to see her hand print in it. She was happy the wood could stand her grip unlike the lettuce and bread from earlier when she was making sandwiches. Maybe it was time to go to the hospital now.

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