Chapter 37

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Ever since the day Emma learned her real father was alive, she had been looking over her shoulders. Just waiting for him to come for her. It made her heart pound with anticipation and fear? If it were not for Jonas, she might have ended up in the mad house. With his reassurance of him being there and taking care of her Emma relaxed a little. She’d decided to cross that bridge when it comes. Errol Rose, he may or may not show up.

Her babies and husband were her top priority now. They were her life now and she didn’t want things to take over her life.

Aside from the dark cloud of her father, she was damn happy. Jonas continued to treat her like she's the only girl in the world. He treated her kindly, shower her with attention. He took care of her like no one had ever cared for her. It wasn't hard to fall for him. Maybe she was stupid and let his ways of making sure she was comfortable fool her into thinking more of their marriage. But she couldn't stop it. The longer she spent with him, the more she got to know him the more her feelings for him grew.

Having everything ready for the baby, they settled better into married life and their home. They enjoyed each other's company, talked and laughed together. For anyone looking in from the outside it would appear that they were a couple united for love. But it certainly had turn out that way. It had for her. And now she believed that it has for Jonas.

What he did for her was more than amazing and she was so happy that he had gone out his way to see she got what she wanted. Their private dance was better than any place they could have gone dancing. She chuckled remembering it. What made her so touched by it was the though he put in it, his soothing words he had whispered throughout their dance. Everything was just…perfect.

It will forever be in her thoughts, a moment she will never forget.

She never let him know of her feelings for him, which she was grateful for. He had warned her that he couldn't love and that she shouldn't love him. But it had happened anyway. She debated more than once to just come out and say it but she didn't want him to feel like she was rushing him or pressuring him. She knew on some level that he had feelings for but he wasn't ready to admit them yet. Not to himself or her. But she was more than willing to wait.

'What are you smiling about?' She glared playfully at her aunt. She had decided to visit Kelly, much to Jonas' happiness. She had to admit that she was driving Jonas a little crazy. Her due date was drawing near and she had become a monster to live with. Her mood was all over the place because to simply put, she was getting tired of being pregnant.

'It’s nothing really.' As she stared at Kelly skipping through a magazine, Emma wondered if Kelly Knew about Errol Rose. Did she know anything about it? Emma didn't want to tell her; if Errol Rose didn't show up then there won't be any point to it. She didn't want to lose Kelly and she didn't want to ruin things. The less people involved now, the better.

Aside from her obvious love, everything had fall into place. They lived a normal routine life, well except for when Jonas or any of their family stops by the house. At least twice a week, one or two of her in laws would stop by and take her to lunch or just spend time with her.

She had a whole family now, a normal one that she could see herself belonging to for a very long time. And especially with Fin out of the picture she was enjoying life. The thought of her real father had less impact on her stress levels and she’d already decide to just deal with it when the time comes.

Her days were filled with reading, watching TV, walking in her garden or the nearby park outside her home. When she wasn't home, she would shop or just drive around. Jonas didn't like when she go out though but she didn't care.

As the weeks flew by and her due date draws close, Emma started taking her Lamaze classes. She'd signed up a long time ago and use to attend with Chris but had stop after a while. Now she started again but Jonas has yet to come with her. The first two sessions he’d been busy and the second session he was out of the country. Tomorrow though he planned on going with her. She was looking forward to it.

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