Chapter 7

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“So how are you?” Chris asked once they were on the dance floor with his arms wrapped around her swaying to the music.

Sighing, Emma rest her head in his chest “I’m a little stressed but I’m fine. How have you been? Where did you go? I didn’t mean to hurt you and I’m very sorry.'

“Don’t apologize; I was just being a big baby. I just took a few days off to sulk a bit, no big deal.”

Taking his smile for reassurance she began to relax. “You know you didn’t have to dance with me. It must be uncomfortable for you, dancing with a fat pregnant lady.” She smiled at him.

“Don’t be ridiculous, of course I don’t mind,”

“So did you come alone tonight?”

“No, my date is over there with a couple of her friends.”

“Oh,” she frowned

 “Why, if I didn’t know any better I would think you are jealous,” Chris joked

Emma laughed out, it was so easy being with him and she mocked a hurt expression “Of course I’m jealous” and they both laughed.

 Jonas and Marcus were now standing at the edge of the dance floor sipping champagne when they saw Jonas' brother, Luka, walking up to them. “I thought you weren’t going to make it,” Marcus said as he hugged his friend. “I saved a seat for you just the same”

“I thought so too. How you doing?” Luka askedas he hugged him back. “It’s been a long time. Where’s Kim?”

“I’m good, and she went to clean Marc’s diaper, she will be back soon.”

“Ok, so what have you guys been up to? Marcus you are married so not much is happening for you,” he laughed when Marcus gave him a scorned look. He had spoken to Jonas three days ago.“Jonas? What’s wrong with you it looks like you want to kill somebody” he followed his gaze to see what he was staring at but couldn't determine if it was the pregnant lady or the old couple. It definitely wasn’t the pregnant lady, or could it? No.

“Have you told your brother or any of your family yet?” Marcus asked Jonas and watch as he shook his head. “You’re just in time for the big news then Luka. Should I tell him or you want to do the honors?” Marcus asked Jonas with an amusement and laugh when he glared at him.

Jonas has been staring at the dance floor for God knows how long. He hated seeing Emma with another man and he didn’t like that feeling. Sighing he tried to relax “I don’t think any of this is funny Marcus, so stop with your teasing already. I’m going to be a father.” He then said to Luka and watch as his mouth drop open in shock, he could just imagine how shock he felt.

“Are you serious?” That was the last thing he was expecting his brother to say. “Who is this lady who had gone and trapped you, she must be very good,”

“She on the dance floor,” he pointed to were she was dancing.

“Really, you’ve been busy. Wow. She’s really big. I’m your brother Jo how come I’m just hearing about this now? She’s what seven eight months?”

“I found out about a week ago. And she’s just six months, she’s having twins.”

“You’re just full of surprises aren’t you? Did she come to you demanding that you pay or marry her?”

He wondered why she didn’t come to him. “No, quite the opposite actually, it’s a long story I’ll tell you about it another time.”

They were all staring at Emma now and Jonas wondered what they were talking about so long, he continued to glare at them and at that moment she was twirled around. She caught his eyes and sent him a hatred look before breaking eye contact. Luka and Marcus noticed also.

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