Chapter 4

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“Where the hell is Kelly?” no sooner the words left her mouth she saw her rushing up to her. “I want to leave now,” she demanded.

“We don’t have to leave, they won’t bother you anymore,” Kelly said as she leaned against her car.

Emma regretted not driving her own car instead of letting her neighbor drive her. “You don’t understand. He’s here and I don’t want to see him again much less talk to him. Get the kids quick before he finds me.” She finished quickly in a whisper. She knew she was being a coward but she didn’t care.

“What are you talking about? Who’s here and why are you so shaky?”

 “Jonas Malino. He saw me and I think he’s angry with me or something. I think he figured out I’m carrying his babies and he didn’t exactly look too happy about it.” Emma finished nervously.

“Ok. I’ll get the kids,”

She sighed with relief that she was going to avoid him after all. Her breath hitched in her throat when she felt somebody behind her. Please let it be her imagination, she chanted in her head as she took a deep breath and turned around. She didn’t look in his eyes, she just stared at his broad chest; he was dressed in a light blue polo shirt with cream cotton pants. He was really a gorgeous man and to think that she had seen what was under those obviously expensive cloths cause her to feel hot all over. Sighing she finally looked into his eyes with wary ones and she flinched at the anger behind them, his eyes actually look blacker that before.

Jonas had heard the last part of her conversation with who she assumed was her aunt. He had to take a few deep breaths before he was calm enough to face her. All he wanted to do was shake her but she already look like she was going to have a heart attack and he didn’t want to hurt his baby. He settled with a cold stare instead. Damn she was beautiful, she was gorgeous with her belly and he couldn’t believe he was still attracted to her and he didn’t like that one bit. He wanted to hear something from her lips though, to hear her admit it. “Who’s the father of your baby?”

Emma felt relieved that he hadn’t figured it out. She wanted to protect her babies from a playboy father who will eventually leave them heart broken further down the road. She struggled to appear calm and non-affected by his presence. “Don’t worry its not yours,” and before she knew what happened Jonas grabbed her by her upper arms and bring her body close to his. She stared at him eyes wide with fear.

“How dare you lie to me? How dare you try to keep me from my child, you little bitch.” Jonas was so angry he didn’t know what to do, he looked into her eyes which were now getting wet and he cursed and releases his death grip. He watched as she rubbed her arms. He looked around and saw that the reporters and paparazzi were filming this scene and he muttered another curse. It was a good thing he had security which was the only thing keeping them a bay. He took hold of her arm again and lead her behind a near by bus hiding them from the cameras.

Emma tugged her hand from his and he released her once they were behind the bus. “I don’t want you in our lives. I can take care of myself and my….” But before she could finish Jonas cut her off.

“Does it look like I give a fuck about what you want? You should have come to me the second you realize you were pregnant with my child. What kind of a person does that?” Jonas spat.

“The one who doesn’t want you in there lives.” Emma was getting back some of her courage, mainly she refuse to acknowledge the heat she was feeling being this close to him again. She was getting angry too because who the hell did he think he is? She had done him a favor and now it was time to set the record straight. “Look we had one night of sex. That was all it was, you don’t owe me anything and I don’t owe you so lets just get back to our separate lives and you can pretend you didn’t see me at all,” she was sure it would be easy for him to forget.

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