Chapter 2

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One month later

Emma stood at her aunt’s living room window looking out at some children playing with a hose across the street and automatically places a hand on her flat stomach. How could one night change her life so dramatically?  She turned around and looked about the living room, it was a mess, children cloths, books and toys were scattered all over the place. Obviously Kelly hasn’t start cleaning yet, but it was early about 10 or so in the morning. She hadn’t slept well last night and had a bad morning so she called off work. Finding a spot on the couch she sat down and waited for Kelly to come from the kitchen.

“Sorry about the mess, haven’t gotten around to cleaning it yet,” Kelly said handing her a cup of tea. “So tell me, what brings you by so early?”

Emma was kind of hoping to hold off this part of conversation “Um… where are the kids?” she cringed because that was a stupid question. She knew they were in the kitchen having breakfast. She looked at Kelly, she was leaning her head to one side questioningly. She didn’t know how she would react to what she had to say, whether she’d be angry or happy. Emma didn’t want to disappoint her aunt, she was all she had and she’s going to need her support. Twisting her hands together, the way she normally did when she was a little girl when she was nervous or being lectured. How was she to tell her?

“Emma I haven’t seen you this nervous since…well since in a long time. What’s going on? Are you alright?” Kelly inquired frowning at her niece. “Come on, tell me. Surely it can’t be that bad,” she took a sip of her coffee.

“I – I’m – I’m…” it felt like there was something stuck in her throat. “I’m pregnant,” she rushed out and cringe waiting for her aunt to reaction. Cutting a side long glance at her she saw that she had spit out her mouth of black coffee. She could see the shock cross her face and then curiosity. Oh-oh. Please don’t ask that question.

Finally being able to speak Kelly said “Sorry. I’m just shocked. Who is the father? I didn’t know you were seeing anyone,”

Emma didn’t know what to say. “Um… I don’t know,” she sighed. She can’t believe she was so careless and carefree. One thing Emma was sure of though, she can’t find any part of her regretting that night. Her mind flash back to it every time it was free and even though she wanted to pay attention to Kelly, she couldn’t help remember how it had been. She felt hot all over remembering.

Her stranger had brought her to his hotel and neither of them had thought to ask about names. Once they were inside his hotel room he had began stripping her immediately and she hadn’t protest. He had her quickly naked and on the bed, her eyes half close with desire as she watched him undress. Once he had removed his boxer her eyes had gone wide and fear crept over her “That can’t hold inside me. Your –your too big,” she had practically shouted and blushed deeply realizing she had voiced the thought. “I’m sorry…I don’t think this will work- I – I don’t think I can take you,” she had scrambled of the other side of the bed looking for some part of her cloths and realized her panties were behind him beside a chair foot.

She hadn’t looked at him since he removed his boxer because she knew she was being an idiot and he possibly felt the same way about her. When she did, he was stroking his cock and looking at her questioningly, he’d still desired her after her little escapade. And she couldn’t lie to herself she did still want him so she had put on a brave face and went over to replace his hand with hers. She was jerked back to the present when Kelly touched her arm “What?”

“What is wrong with you?” Kelly scowled. “You weren’t listening to what I was saying. How come you don’t know who the father of your baby is? It’s not a good idea to sleep with two men at the same time. I thought you were smart enough to know that. Now you got knock up by one of them. Do you know how much drama that entails? There will be DNA test…” she stopped when Emma glared at her.

“I’m not sleeping with two guys Kelly. It’s just that, it was - kind of a one night stand, I think. And we didn’t exchange names or number…” she shrugged remembering the consuming desire.

“Oh Emma, why hadn’t you guys use a condom?” she asked in a calmer voice.

“We did use it but two of them broke and we didn’t use any the last time around,” she blushed deeply.

 “Two? How much did you use?”


“Four?” Kelly asked incredulously and shaking her head she asked the most important question “Are you aborting the baby?”

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