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the Capitol

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AS PEACEKEEPERS BURST into the room Thana is being held she knows it is time to go to the train. Her eyes are puffy and a little bit red, they don't match with Harl's eyes as they are cold and show no trace of tears. Regardless of that, Thana decides to give him the black-eyed Susan as soon as the cameras greet them again. It pains her to give the flower away, but she knows it shall help her get sponsors in the games.

In the black car they meet August again, he seems chirpy, but then again he has no reason not to be. Harl looks curiously at Thana, the gaze makes it hard for Thana to breathe.

"You will meet your mentor Rohan at the train," August announces, the tributes slowly nod and Thana tries to get a smile on her face.

As they enter the train you can see Thana clutch the pocket watch to her heart again. Inside cold air meets them instead of the warm summer air from district 9. All the furniture and even the roof and floor look very expensive and in a strange style to the tributes.

In a dazed state Thana Jardin falls into one of the big plush chairs, her limps tremble and if the pocket watch was not connected to her neck it sure as hell would have fallen on the floor and been broken before she even entered the Capitol.

Harl Fairbrook reacts very differently, he shouts at both their mentor and August. He even throws glass to the ground, in every little muscle in August's face you can see that he wants to yell back. But he doesn't as he simply calls for an avox to clean the mess up after Harl storms away to his private room.

Rohan Greengraze lays his hand on Thana's shoulder as soon as all the commotion and August have left the compartment. The tribute looks up towards her mentor and notices all the lines and the dark circles under his eyes which make him look older than he should be.

"Thana Jardin," Rohan's voice sounds tired and mumbles the next part, "it has been some time since a Jardin made their way to the Capitol." He shakes his head and takes the chair next to the younger girl, "aren't you the girl who has given flowers to the tributes for the last 7 years or so?"

"I am, yeah." Rohan almost doesn't hear her as Thana confirms she has always given the flowers. "But they are not just flowers, they are black-eyed Susan's."

"I must say that it did look quite amazing as you gave your flower to Harl," Rohan smiles at Thana, "how did you get yours?"

"My brother," Thana's voice is barely above a whisper, "my brother Latif gave it to me."

"That is very kind of him," Rohan kindly says to Thana, "do you think you are able to confess that to the Capitol?" he is answered with a nod from Thana, "good because I believe it will help you get more sponsors which you need to survive the games."

"How do you get sponsors?" Thana asks her mentor.

"We'll talk about that later," Rohan says standing up, "then we shall also come up with a strategy. But now I am going to try to talk to Harl."

Later that day Thana meets with the others in another compartment which holds a dinner table and bar. The table is filled with many different foods, most of the food is never seen by Harl and Thana. The present food is also way more than both of their families ever have at home combined. August is idly talking to Rohan as he sits eating some sort of soup while Harl has already stuffed his mouth full of bread as Thana takes place at the table.

"Ah, Thana," August smiles, "there you are, I was wondering if you got lost, not as if that is possible, of course, darling." His glance shifts to Harl in annoyance, "stop stuffing your face with food Harl."

"We will be in the Capitol by morning, " Rohan announces, "after dinner, we will see what the competition is of the games this year."

Thana slowly nods as she takes place next to August and scans the table in the question of what to eat.

"You should try some of the orange vegetable soup," August recommends the soup he is consuming, "it is very delicious when you garnish it with some grated mozzerela."

"Thank you, August," Thana smiles after she has been given a portion of the soup with cheese from the escort. "It does taste very delicious indeed," she smiles after tasting the soup.

"I know right," August smiles and continuous talking to Rohan, "Why didn't Brair come again?"

"Brair got permission from president Snow to look after Lartius and Pearl," Rohan explains, "Lartius is not good on his feet anymore and Pearl's panic attacks have gotten worse again."

"Ah, yeah." August sighs, "I do pray the best for the three of them."

The four manage to find themselves before a big screen to watch the other tributes for the 72nd Hunger Games be reaped, or maybe for the career districts volunteer..

"District I," August announces in excitement, "two strong career tributes this year." Both the boy and girl are around Thana's age and have blonde hair that looks very healthy.

"District II," Rohan says after casting August a look, "both also look trained and will definitely join district I in allyship." The tributes look very alike to those of I, but the boy has brownish hair instead of blonde.

District III has two lanky and young tributes, while IV has two muscular tributes which will probably finish the career pack as it is always called. District V and VI are lanky again and are quite similar to III. For a change in many years if you must believe August shows district VII two strong looking tributes.

"You don't need to focus on the body or act they play," Rohan mentions, "you can see that in last year when Johanna Mason played her carts to be the biggest and most unexpected threat."

District VIII show two average tributes and after that district IX is up and Harl and Thana are eye to eye with themselves. District X and XI have really young and thin looking tributes that probably stand no chance, their young eyes are full of fear. District XII has two tributes around the age of Harl that look like thy only eat once a day.

"Remember," August says, "every victor had big competition, but they still won. It isn't just your physical strength and surviving skills, it is sponsors and your own mental strength that will get you through."

That morning as the sun rises, Thana takes her first looks at the Capitol. She wears soft white pants with a yellow top that both smell to flowers for some reason.

When reaching the train station, both Harl and Thana wave to the citizen of the Capitol and smile. Even before the doors open they can hear the excitement in the screams of the people.

Nora speaking here!
They have arrived at the Capitol, next chapter will mostly be the tribute parade and than the games start very soon, I can't wait.

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