Chapter 1 : miraculous box

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Marinette was sitting cross-legged on her pink bed, cuddling her huge tiger plush pillow, and on a video call with her BFF Alya. The girls spent hours talking about school, the lady blog, and the boys. "Alright girl, tomorrow's the day you ask Adrien out", Alya said, giving Mari the thumbs up and smiling.

"But w-what if he rejects me?", Mari asked as she slumps, her face expressing sadness. Alya noticed and tried to cheer her friend up.

"If he does reject you-which I know he won't, I will kill him for breaking your heart, you know that Mari."

"Yeah...I know, but I wouldn't want you to hurt him, it's his choice."

"Don't worry Mari, he won't reject you or he will regret it", Alya clenched her fist and grinned evilly. She looked like she wanted Agreste to reject her so she could beat him up. They were silent for a few minutes staring at each other before Alya yawned.

"Girl, it's almost midnight and I think Imma rest, you should too, you got a big day tomorrow."

Marinette grinned, grateful she had a friend like Alya. "Alright, good night Alya". The sleepy girl said the same and went offline leaving Marinette staring at a blank screen, reflecting a bit of her face.

Marinette sighed and got up from her bed, her room was warm, and yet she wondered why she felt cold. She dragged herself to her closet and tiptoed, clutching a red blanket with her hands on top of the closet, she grabbed it and set it down beside her. The blanket had an oval shape and just staring at it made Marinette wince.

She uncovered the object and ladybugs' miraculous box shimmered, flexing its complex design and beauty.

Why now? Marinette thought, am still not ready, am I lost? Did my responsibilities just double? Why am I sad? Why did master Fu have to go? why do I feel like am Paris's last hope and why do I feel the urge to cry?

Tears began to stream, this was all new to her, she became the new guardian and hasn't finished her training but master Fu said otherwise. She wiped her tears sniffing and forcing herself to be strong.

What's the point in being strong on the outside while broken on the inside. A little voice said in her head, this made Marinette tremble.

"No", she cried, "Am n-not g-going to give up, everyone is counting on me."

She stood up, mhm, inhaled and exhaled slowly, stood in a pose of strength and she was determined to be the one they called ladybug, to be the pillar of Paris.

Tikki watched from afar, smiling as her owner took up responsibilities and stood tall with bravery.

"That's my owner."

*knock* Marrinette snapped, staring at the hatch above, she wondered who would be knocking late this night?


Marinette got up her ladder and opened the hatch to be greeted with chat noirs grinned and smirky face.

"Hello, purrrincesss!"


The other chapters will be longer ✨😜

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