Chapter 5 : Blade

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Chat noir met up with ladybug on a rooftop a few streets from the school.

"Greetings m'lady, what purrfect day we all had til this akuma showed up".

"Yeah, perfect", ladybug said gloomy, "anyways, I can't see the akuma from here, I guess we gotta go down there and have a look. Shall we?".

The two heroes went down to have a closer look. They saved a few people in the way of destruction, and as they went by they noticed a few of the buildings were perfectly sliced clean. Leaving the heroes with curiosity.
After spotting they finally came face to face with the akuma.

The akuma was a black ninja with a blue dragon mask on his face, carrying shiny metal katanas with dragons encrypted on each blade. He claims to be able to cut anything. His highly skilled and determined to capture ladybug and chat noirs miraculous.

"Give it up Blade", ladybug said, "Paris most trusted heroes are here".

Ladybug and chat noir stood in a ready-to-fight pose.

"Don't waste my time", said Blade in a Darth Vader voice, "give me your miraculous and I will spare you lives".

"We gonna listen to this guy m'lady?", chat asked with a grin, already knowing his lady's answer.

"You know that we won't kitty", she smiled back at chat.

A helicopter flew by with Nadia Chamack reporting this fight live. "Don't be amused it's just the news, an akuma named Blade claims to cut anything has rampaged the city and is about to be silenced by the heroes of Paris as obvious, live from Nadia.

"You have been warned".

Blade raised his sword on his right hand and motioned a horizontal line, and that was it. Ladybug and chat noir stared in confusion.

"Nothing...?", chat said smirky, "I guess he's letting us have the first strike m'la—"

Ladybug stood frozen in shock, she felt a sharp slash slightly under her left breast. The pain came afterward and warm red liquid started oozing out.

Even though it was a small indentation, ladybug took the cut seriously.

There's no way that sword could cut an invulnerable costume and at that far range, she thought, this will have to be taken seriously, both our lives are at stake.

Ladybug held the gash to stop the bleeding, absorbing the pain while she did it. Chat noir joined her and stood in between the blade and her, he was going to protect his lady no matter what.

How could this bastard hurt my lady from that range?. I will have to cataclysm one of the swords, I think that's where the akuma is hiding, but which one? Chat thought.

" that blood?", Nadia Chamack questioned, "is ladybug bleeding?".

"Hmm, I thought my slash would cut right through you but you seem to have an invulnerable costume, that would be fun to cut", blade said grinning, "I look forward to it".

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