Chapter 6 : team

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I've released a powerful akuma ever created, this time I will get the miraculous. I might pay a visit, to test the new abilities I've obtained from the grimoire. Hawkmoth thought happily, I'd love to witness everyone's face when they realize this is the last fight their beloved heroes will fight.

"Hawkmoth, should we get going?", Mayura asked.

"Yes, let's get going".

~at the fight scene~

Chat noir rushed forward, heading to Blade. His staff was in two, each on one hand like Blade. "Ahhhhhhh!!", chat cried. He hit a vertical swipe at Blade but Blade was too fast and easily blocked it, Blade grinned, seeing an opening on chat noirs chest, he slashed at it but was met with chats other staff.

"Hm, you not bad yourself chat noir", Blade said, struggling a bit with chat noir, "but it's not enough to stop me".

"Will see about that".

Chat noir did a back-flip kick, lurching himself a few meters from Blade.

Blade slashed an X with both his swords at chat. Chat realized there was no way to stop it unless he took the blow. Chat embraced for impact, but a coil seem to tangle him up and snatch him away from the blow in time. The X hit a building behind chat noir and left a huge clean mark as if it was carved.

"Ladybug, you didn't have to", chat said, readying up for another round, " I can take him".

"No you can't", ladybug grabbed chat's tail before he ran off, "his too strong, we have to figure out where the akuma is hiding. And I wouldn't want anything to happen to you, kitty.

Chat saw the concern on her face, maybe he should stay by her side he thought, but he's doing all this to protect his lady right?

"What's your plan m'lady", chat asked and it made her grin.

They charged in together,( obviously after explaining the plan ). The two heroes used the formation called switch, chat noir would lead the line and block incoming slashes, and ladybug would strike after the blocked slashes.

~a few minutes time skip~

"As we all can see, ladybug and chat noir seem to be struggling as they battle it off with an akuma, we don't know, will our heroes save us this time? Or will Paris be done for? This is live from Nadia".

Everyone was watching the news, shocked at how badly shaped the two heroes looked, Alya's little sisters were frightened, Mari's parents were seated on their couch embracing one another while they observe the fight, and Chloe grinned with delight as she saw how bad the heroes were losing. " That will teach that bug for sure", she said.

Ladybug and chat noir were panting hard, gashes covered both their bodies, these were not that serious but blood streamed. Chat had a hollow graze on his cheek, making it hard for chat to smirk or smile and ladybug had a cut on her right arm, making it hard to swing her yo-yo. One half of chat staff was sliced into pieces, now un-usable.
Blades mask was cracked, it had a long scar from one of the top corners to the bottom corner, causing one of his katanas to disintegrate. The akuma was hiding there, the heroes noticed and were prepared to fight again, hot tingly pain gripped them both, they ignored it.

I hope we can defeat this akuma before we lose a lot of blood, ladybug thought, I guess I'll have to use my lucky charm now.

"Lucky charm!", ladybug called out, and she received a card with the word 'TEAM' on it." Kitty, I got an idea, can you keep Blade busy for a while".

"No problem m'lady", chat said trying to grin, "take your time".

Ladybug swung away leaving chat and Blade to battle it off.

I was only kidding when I said take your time, please hurry ladybug, I don't know how much longer I can hold, Adrien thought as he charged in.

"You never listen, do you", Blade said as he charged in too.


Ladybug did a front-flip and de-transformed
mid-air as she landed on her balcony.

She went down into her room and activated the miraculous box. Tikki flew and grabbed a cookie to recharge.

"Marinette am sorry", Tikki apologized, "I couldn't protect you from those blows...their-their just too powerful".

"Tikki, it's okay", Mari said to comfort her little friend. But deep down she knew that it wasn't okay, she had blood stains on her blouse and pants, she also knew chat noir wouldn't hold the fight for that long, she had to hurry.

The miraculous box presented her with different types of jewelry. She had to decide wisely on which of the miraculous she was gonna carry with her.

In order for us to have a winning chance today, I will need Carapace to protect us from those attacks, Rena rouge to create illusions, and queen bee-, Marinette thought, I'll have to find a new queen bee on the way so we could use her ability to paralyze Blade.

She took the jewels she decided on and hid the miraculous box.

"Tikki, spots on!", she called out as she transformed into ladybug, her costume still had cuts.

"Marinette, is that you?", Sabine called out from downstairs.

Uh-yeah maman...uh—

"Stay inside, we don't know what will happen to the heroes".

"Yes maman".

What if maman is correct, should I stay inside? will we lose? Is this the last time I'll be hearing maman voice?
No! wrong, Mari thought, we will win. Trust me. I will protect everyone.

She swung out of her room, disobeying her mother to go save Paris.

The Final Battle {Ladybug v Hawk moth}(MIRACULOUS)Where stories live. Discover now