Chapter 14: Romeo and Juliet

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As the clone struck its arm down aiming at Marinette's head. Chat noir out of nowhere tackled it, giving distance between them and Marinette.

"I won't let you hurt Marinette", he cried as he pinned the clone down. The two wrestled on the ground, dust particles rose around them, chat noir was granting while the monster was silent. "I'll kill you and hawk moth for hurting marin—"

Chat noir stopped struggling, his face went white and his expression confused and blank. Imbedded within his chest was a dark purple blade which protruded from from his back, covered in a dark red liquid.
The monster got up, and looked down on chat, it's arm still in his chest. He patted chat noirs golden hair, swaying the locks from back to front. The monster removed his arm from the boy and chat noir instantly fell on his back. Blood slowly dripped from the side of his mouth, he couldn't feel his arms nor his legs.

This is it, I totally screwed up, chat thought as he imagined the size of the hole in his chest, how did this all happen? I really thought this was gonna be like the other battles were the heroes always win, I must have been a fool to think that. I don't wanna go, am afraid to go, I don't want to leave her behind. Would things been different if I never was chat noir? Maybe but wouldn't have met plagg or m'lady and I wouldn't have got as much freedom as chat noir. I just hope plagg will find a better chat noir and my father to continue with his life, before I go, I want to see her for the last time.

Chat tilted his head with all his remaining might, eying Marinette who too was staring back in shock and horror. She called out his name stretched her arm towards him, telling him to hold her hand. His ring began to flash with the last paw vanishing. Chat forced a smile, a smile she understood very well. A smile were he would sacrifice himself and leave everything up to her, like that time when they battled _________ 2.0.

Tears fell from her eyes, she was shouting his name repeatedly, but he looked like he wasn't listening. She crawled to him, one arm in front then the other. The stones and rocks pierced her body but she didn't mind, not when chat noir needed her the most, she wasn't gonna let him die on her, no... not today, not ever.

"M-mar..inette", chat whispered loudly, getting her attention and stopping her in her tracks.
"Please don't—"
"I-it's okay.. cough cough", blood spurted out.
"I'll get you help... just hold on, please".

Chat's ring rang for the last time and plagg came out flying to the ground exhausted. There lay in chats place was a boy, with blonde hair and a blood stained white overall shirt. Adrien.

"I love you... m'lady ", he said before shutting his eyes and exhaling his last breathe. Glistening tears fell from his eyes, some going over his nose and onto his other eye, his smile disappeared, his chest stopped heaving up and down but the blood continued to pool around him.

"Nooooo... Adrien!!!", Marinette cried, she quickly crawled towards Adrien's body and grabbed his blooded numb arm, her clothes soaked in some of his blood, mixing his and her blood together. "Please don't-please don't leave me... not like this, get up chat, I-I can't do this alone". She rested her head on the side of his chest and repeatedly hit him softly with the side of her fist, when Adrien didn't respond, she burst into tears which fell like a waterfall. Adrien wasn't going to wake up... his never going to wake up and it's all her fault, the realisation hit her like a sniper bullet going through a persons head, silent and quick. Her heart couldn't take it, heavy with sadness and guilt, it beat faster as she noticed that Adrien was chat noir, her crush was her partner and his dying last words was a message to her. With all these emotions, feeling and realisation springing out and making her heart heavy, boil and beat faster, she lost focus and fell unconscious, partially on Adrien's corpse.

"Chat noir is my own son?!", hawk moth asked himself in shock, this knocked the wind out of him as he fell to his knees realising what he has done. I KILLED MY OWN SON. "How...I-I didn't know...why?" He clenched his fist and stared at the ground wide eye. His only son, in a pool of blood in front of him. The clone stood still with some of Adrien's blood dripping down from his arm.

"I relinquish you, you demon!" Hawk moth spat, the clone dispersed into million little flashing dust particles which fell onto the ground.

"I'll be back-", hawk moth exclaimed, he extended his staff and pointed it at Adrien's dead body, which immediately floated midair and vanished as hawk moth vanished.

"This is ________ , and unfortunately, we have witnessed the brutal murder of our beloved hero cha-chat noir, also known as ... Adrien Agreste". Tears dripped, wetting the mic she held in her clenched hands. she wiped her tears off with the hem of her blazer. "Am s-sorry... sniff ... I-I can't do this anymore". She dropped her mic and went off screen, she couldn't continue reporting this horrible battle, not when a beloved hero died. The camera focused on the city, no need of a reporter to know what's going on, the remaining heroes were injured badly with one unconscious and the other two failing to move and the sight of blood was everywhere.

The city was in havoc. Damaged buildings,damaged roads and damaged properties. The damage done to the city was the worst of all damages ever done by these battles, to make it even bad, these could not be repaired by the magic of the lucky charm.(as explained in miraculous:New York special )
There in the middle of the street, lay a girl in her partners blood.

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