Chapter 16:

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"The moments when I have the most fun, the ones I prefer, are when am with ladybug. And I will sacrifice everything just for them and her."

"Chat... I mean, Adrien?", Marinette questioned, their were back at her house, on the balcony under the twinkling stars, surrounded by parisian buildings and lights. She reached for chat noir's face and felt his skin, it was warm and smooth, she brushed a few golden strings of hair and got mesmerised by his green eyes.

"I really thought you'd save me".

"What do you mean?"

"Have you forgotten already? Am dead".


"Very funny chat, you shouldn't be making jokes about death... you're alive", she said in a matter of fact tone, " I am touching you and you're right here with me—"

In place of chat noir was darkness, darkness that quickly surrounded her and embraced her.


She looked around but there was nothing to look at. She walked and ran but it didn't seem like this dark void was going to end. She crumbled to her knees and exhaled, this was draining her body and her patience. She stared down at her hands and saw both were stained in red. Huh, what is this, tomato juice?
Another thought crossed her mind and this one filled her with fear. Blood? Whose blood? As if the darkness read her thought, on the ground was a long dark string of blood that formed a path in front of her to some distant light at the edge of the darkness. Marinette got up and ran as fast as she could, she was praying, hoping that it wasn't who she thought it was. The light got larger and brighter the closer she got, this must be it, the way out of this madness. She went through the light.

Opening her blinded eyes, she looked around and scanned the area. "This place seems familar". parisian buildings were everywhere but most damaged, litter littered the city and a few vehicles were on fire and on the middle of the road, was Adrien's body in a puddle of blood.

"Adrien!", she cried and hurried herself to him, "whats going on? What happened? Talk to me!"

Adrien popped open his eyes and faced her with a smile.

"You didn't save me Marinette".

"I don't understand".

"Hahahaha, you didn't save me Marinette!", he grabbed her arm by the wrist tightly and pulled her close to him, he smirked and cackled, letting all the blood in his mouth fly into her face.

"Stop it... your hurting me".

"Marinette!...Marinette!!...Marinette!!!, you didn't save me Marinette". Adrien was on Marinette, with blood coming from his mouth, ears, and eyes. "You should have been the one to go". His mouth opened wide, wider than any normal person could, and launched straight at Marinette's face.

"Noooo! Adrien!", she screamed as she shut her eyes.

Jerked up in a bed, Marinette's chest heaved in and out, she was sweating and her skin was pale, failing to hide the terror she saw. It was all a dream... hah, I can't remember the last time I had a nightmare as intense as this one. Her head started to throb, she felt dizzy and weak, she held her forehead to ease the pain and that's when she noticed the bandages covered from head to toe.

"What happened?", she asked her self, knowing she didn't want to know the answer. Memories injected them selves into her head, the next memory was worse than the previous.


"What are we going to do?"she shook her head, indicating that herself cant come up with an idea, "chat noir— I mean, Adrien is dead and Marinette is unconscious and unstable. I don't see us stopping hawk moth this time".

END ————————————————————————————-

THE STORY ENDS HERE. Thank you for reading this fanfic even though it was incomplete and immature. Having someone read all this is kinda embarrassing, but I'm grateful in some kinda way. When I was writing this fanfic, ngl the viewers kept me going, even though it was like only 20 people reading my fanfic. I wish I could continue this story but... I can't find the time and I don't want to keep you guys waiting. I don't know if I'll be able to write another story, I guess will just have to see. I really enjoyed writing this book, it kept me company when I was alone.

I did learn something while writing this book, I'm not HIM, everything I write isn't as good as I thought it was. And publishing a finished book is stress free and a better enjoyment for the viewers lol.


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