Chapter X

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Hi, author here. It's been awhile. Again I'm reading through my fanfic... this shit makes cry lol, where did I find the courage to post some cringeworthy stuff online, yikes.

I'm finally ending this fanfic, I don't have time to write anymore and it hurts how much time I've put into this not for it to see the day of light. So, I've decided to post everything..(this time I'm for real). You'll notice all lot of grammar mistakes and a few paragraphs you may not understand but I'm sure you'll still enjoy the story I tried to write.

Thanks again, to my viewers.

"Chat, I want you at rescue", ladybug said while they charged, "I'll distract hawk moth".

"On it".

"Finally the main event", hawk moth said to himself, "today's my lucky day".

Hawk moth swung his staff like a bat, but Ladybug did a somersault over and chat slid underneath grabbing Carpace with him. Hawk moth saw chat grabbing the green hero and tried to stop him but ladybug grabbed him with her yo-yo, drawing his attention to her.

"Mind explaining what you did to Rena rouge?", ladybug asked while dodging hawk moths attacks", I didn't see you land a finger on her".

"I didn't know you were interested", he said half laughing, "I read the grimore".

He struck ladybug in the stomach when she lost her focus after hearing grimore.

"So basically it's a power up", she spat.

"You'll soon find out".

He punched her face and ladybug went down. Her punched cheek turned sorta purple, giving off the direct location of the hit. She held her cheek and looked around, she spotted chat noir carrying both the fallen heroes, she was glad her plan worked, now her friends were not in harms way.

"Lucky charm!"

Pink particle effects came out of thin air and formed an object, which fell directly on to ladybugs hands.

"What am I suppose to do with a toy rocket?"

"You won't be needing it", ladybug looked up at hawk moth and suddenly felt something holding her tight.

The unknown force lifted her up, embracing ladybug with its might. Ladybug was floating mid air, trying to break the bonds which entangle her.

"Just give up", hawk moth spat, "you won't be able to break through my force".

"What do you mean by force".

"I call my new power up 'force', it's energy manipulated to my wishes. You can't see it nor create or destroy it, you can only feel it".

Hawk moth tightened the 'invisible' bonds around her, making ladybug squeal with pain.

"All those strikes I did on your friends, will be nothing compared to what am about to do to you".

Ladybug gulped her saliva, how bad can it get? she thought, I have to figure out how to use my luck—

"Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!", ladybug screamed all of a sudden, the pain she was experiencing was 10 times worse of carapace and Rena rouges pain combined. The force was compressing her from every direction and sorta needle like forces pricked all over her body except her face. Blood sprouted from the tiny holes.

Ladybug was crying, she's never endured this much pain, she tried to focus but the pain distracted her.

"Noooo!", chat boomed and charged towards the torture, "leave her alone!"

"Ohhh... there comes the crying kitty", grinned hawk moth.

Chat hit a invisible wall and was confused, he try's again and was stopped once again. He tries to go the other way but it's blocked. It dawned to him that he was stuck in a box.

"Hey hawk moth", chat called out, "you should've told us sooner you've converted into mime from butterflies.

"Stupid cat". Hawk moth increased the intensity of pain of ladybug, the screaming became louder and painful each second.

"Please stop", chat said worried, "punish me instead of her... just stop...I-I-I'll give you my miraculous".

The pain stopped and ladybug stopped screaming. She looked miserable and wasn't moving. Blood was all over her body and it dripped to the ground, she looked weak. This was painful to look at, the heroine of Paris at her break. Hawk moth hands chat noir his hand, motioning chat to give up his miraculous.

Chat exhales and slow removes his miraculous from his finger.
"Don't...", ladybug whispered loudly, coughing blood in the process, "don't... let him win—"

"Shut up you little girl!", hawk moth shot her like a bullet to the rest of her friends who were lying down with pain.

Hawk grabbed for chat noirs miraculous before he could—


"I'll just have to take it from you stubborn little brat". He shoved chat the same way he shoved ladybug.

The Final Battle {Ladybug v Hawk moth}(MIRACULOUS)Where stories live. Discover now