Chapter 8 : kids playing hero

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~a few minutes back~

"Hawk moth, am about to acquire Chat noirs miraculous, Blade said, "can I take his life as well?"

"The deal was you get both chat noir and ladybugs miraculous", hawk replied angrily, I will take away your powers if you disobey me.

"I won't disobey you, but what then should happen if he refuses to give me his miraculous".

Hawk moth gave it a thought.

"Then you can kill him, however you like".

Hawk moth disconnected from Blade and stared out his window. Mayura came to his side and held his hand. Squeezed it tight and it gave hawk moth a jump.

"You don't have to kill the heroes", she said as she looked up at him. "They're just kids playing hero".

She placed her other hand on his chest, his heartbeat was at a normal pace, she noticed, how lovely it was to feel it. He glanced down at her and pulled her closer in, his other arm supporting her by the waist.
He stared at her, she was beautiful he thought, she was always by his side, she took care of Adrien at times when he couldn't. He wondered, what would he have done if he never met her.

He wants to move on, live with Natalie for the rest of his life. But something just keeps holding him back...someone.

"I'll do what I have to", he said releasing his hand from hers and moving away, "am doing this for Adrien, so he could have his mother back".

Mayura glances at the floor, obviously saddened by his words. She didn't want Emilie to come back, she wanted Gabriel to herself and ... wanted to live with him and Adrien like a normal family.

"I won't have anyone standing in my way".

~back to the present~

Hawk moth and Mayura were at the top of the Effiel Tower, watching the final seconds of chat noir.

"We seeing this through sir?", Mayura asked.

"Hmm", hawk moth mumbled, he didn't know what to say.

"I still don't think it's necessary to kill chat noir sir", Mayura said hoping to change his mind, "would you have let this happen if chat noir was your son?"

"Be quiet ", growled Hawk moth, obviously not enjoying the chat with Mayura.

She obeyed. She watched as blade put the final blow on chat noir. Blade brought his sword down, it was ripping air with such ease as it came down to chat.

This is it. Chat thought, goodbye ladybug.

He closed his eyes and waited for his death.


A green object blocked the path of the sword. Carapaces shield. It came in contact and absorbed the force applied by the sword and released it back, sending Blade a block away. The shield landed besides chat noir, smoke diffusing out of it.

Chat noir opened his eyes and noticed carapace shield. Carapace landed in front of him, followed by Rena rouge and ladybug.

"Don't worry chat noir", carapace called, "we got your back".

"Yeah, we gonna help you take down that villain", Rena rouge added, beaming with excitement.

Ladybug kneeled and held chat noirs cheek softly and carefully, wiping the tears and blood off with her thumb.

"Am really sorry I didn't get here earlier", ladybug apologized letting her own tears flow, "I wouldn't have forgiven myself if... you died."

"Don't cry", chat reassured her, "am okay, you saved me, see."

Chat noir smiled, letting ladybug know he was okay and everything was going to be fine. She smiled back and gave him a peck on his forehead.

"Now rest", ladybug said as she placed her hand on his shoulder, "we can take it from here."

"Be careful m'lady."

"I will kitty."

Ladybug joined the other two heroes and left chat noir laying down on the ground.

"Don't underestimate Blade", ladybug said with such seriousness, "his a danger to this city."

"More brats to kill", Blade said to himself, "mhmm, my lucky day."

Ladybug and the gang charged, determined to save Paris at all cost. Blade charged too.

~time skip~

Ladybug did a front-flip, jumping over one of Blades air slashes. She flung herself to him with her yo-yo and kicked him with both her feet, sending them both to the ground. Blade got up and slashed at Rena rouge, only to be deflected by carapaces shield. Rena rouge took the advantage, she got a boost*( she jumped on the shield ) from carapaces shield and gave him a huge whack with her flute.

The heroes and akuma were all drenched in sweat. Blade was on the ground recollecting himself, he was getting annoyed by these pesky heroes and wanted to kill them so bad. Carapace had a few scars over his body, with a little blood but looked okay overall. Rena rouge also had scars but had one bad one on her left thigh, which was bleeding badly, it covered half of her leg in blood. Ladybug gained a few scratches but none of them compared to the one under her breast.

"Baby, are you okay?!", carapace said horrified as he ran up to Rena rouge. "Your losing blood, you can't continue fighting."

"Am fine", Rena said while wincing in pain, "I can still fight, I don't want to leave you and ladybug fighting that monster alone."

"Rena, thank you", ladybug said as she placed her hand on her shoulder, "I appreciate it that you want to fight but I wouldn't want to lose you in battle, please rest. Leave it to carapace and I."

Rena rouge sighed and said, "okay ladybug."

Carapace picked up Rena rouge and carried her bridal-style, taking the precaution of her thigh. He marched to chat, mumbling something to Rena rouge.

Chat noir was sitting with one of his knees up, a car supported his back. He couldn't move, he lost too much blood and that same blood dried upon his costume, making it even harder. He spotted two other heroes coming toward him, wait..., he thought, is one of them de... phew, Rena rouge is okay, she just got injured.

"Is she gonna be okay?", chat asked, curious.

"Am going to be fine", Rena rouge replied before carapace did, carapace set her down next to chat noir and then stared at her with sympathy... love.

Chat noir stared at them both flustered. What's going on with these two, he thought, oh... wait are they dating?

He grinned and wondered if ladybug and he would ever be like them, love was gripping them together, making them one and unified. Beautiful...


"Blade, get up", hawk moth said in Blades's mind, "ladybug is alone, grab her miraculous!"

Blade grunted. He got up and dashed for ladybug, with his hand on his sword, ready to tame it.

Chat saw something move..., was he he did see something move.
It seem to be covering ground between it and ladybug, chat noticed ladybug was facing at them, smiling, exposing her back at... Blade.

Oh no, Blade's advancing! He's going to kill m'lady, I have to warn her before it's too late. I can't live in a world without you, ladybug!

"Ladybug!!!", chat called out.

The Final Battle {Ladybug v Hawk moth}(MIRACULOUS)Where stories live. Discover now