Chapter 2 : why I love ladybug

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She grinned, seeing that familiar face distracted her from her worries. She could tell he was genuinely happy to see her and shockingly she was too.

Chat noir stared at her for a moment, the grin slipped away, and an embracing stern protective face emerged, he noticed Marinette's cheeks puffy and pink, was she crying before he got here? Did somebody hurt his princess?

"What happened?", chat asked, now alert and curious.

"Nothing much, just normal life stuff", she answered, "it's nothing to worry about..."

She was glad there was someone who cared about her. She couldn't ask for anything more than her partner.

~time skip~

Chat and Mari talked for hours on her balcony, viewing the beautiful streets of Paris. They were sharing a blanket, being close to chat noir was normality to Mari, from time to time chat would pull the blanket which bothered Marinette, but she was happy to have him with her.

Marinette's so... beautiful tonight, I wonder what she thinking about.

She was in her pajamas, looking out at the city, lost in thought. The moonlight illuminated her face, exposing freckles chat noir thought gorgeous.

She looks delicate, fragile and ... If I could just touch her—

"Chat! Are you gonna something?", Mari questioned.

"You asked a question princess?", chat quickly said as he snapped out of his thoughts.

"Hmh, I did—"

"Are you sure", he said with twisted eyebrows.

Marinette sighed, and accepted defeat. "I asked...uh...- I asked..."

Why she hesitant?

"Uh...w-why do you love ladybug?", she asked out of the blue.

She stared at chat, her dark eyes reflecting the moon, is this the question that has been playing in Marinette's head? Chat thought.

"Well...", chat stopped to think about it, " I love ladybug because she's the heroine of Paris, she's kind, brave and cheerful. No matter what situation we find ourselves in, she always has a solution to get us out, I love her because she's responsible and strong, I don't know how many times I wanted to find out who the mystery girl was but she stopped me in order to keep mine, hers and our family safe. I love her because... she puts others before her, she cares, and I also love her for being my partner."

Chat noir was staring at the distance, pouring his whole heart out, he really loves his lady. Marinette's face turned red, she hid her face with her hands hoping chat didn't see her blush.

"The moments when I have the most fun, the ones I prefer, are when am with ladybug. And I will sacrifice everything just for them and her." He concluded, he gave a glance at Mari and found her face hidden.

"Wow. I didn't know you loved ladybug that much." She finally said.

~time skip~

"Marinette, wake up!!", Tikki cried, "you're already late for school!!"

"Give m-me one more minuteeee....zzzzz"

"You left me no choice", Tikki smirked. She cleared her throat and imitated Adrien's voice.

"Hey, Marinette guess what, aM in LovE wiTh CHLOE!!!

"Nooooooo!", Mari screamed as she sat up in bed with a start. " Not funny Tikki".

"Hehehehe", Tikki giggled. She really got her owner.

"Oh no, am already late", she said while scrambling for her school stuff and a clean pair of clothes. "Good morning papa and mama", she called, alerting the parents of her presence.

"Marinette, what's the rush for?", Tom asked.

"Am running late", she replied while giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I packed your lunch", Sabine said, grinning at her daughter.

Marinette was grateful to have two loving parents, she could always rely on them.
"Thanks", she said before kissing Sabine," see you guys after school". With that, Marinette rushed out of the bakery leaving both parents shaking their heads.


Next chapter on Sunday😗👌✨

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