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(LMAO I Havent Posted In A While, Also, Thank Y'all For The Amazing Support On This Book. Its Fuckin Goofy As Shit Yet Y'all Are Kind Enough To Let Me Write My Mind Out And Its Amazing To See That My Book Can Indeed Reach The Goal Of 1k. I Cant Thank Y'all Enough With This.)

The Same Day
12:34 PM
Y/N 'Doom Slayer' L/N

Y/N: "Boys. To Our Dorm. Now."

Tf141 Complied And Followed Y/N To Their Old Dorm Room, Once There. Y/N Stops Dead In The Center And Opens A Little Portal That Contained His Stuff From The Underworld. Guns, Swords, Old Pictures And Some Other Stuff.

Soap: "Sooo Y/N?"

Y/N: "... I'm Returning To Beacon"

Price: "Wait, Dont You Have Demons Back In The Underworld Still?"

Y/N: "Yes. But I Need A Break From Those Things. Dont Get Me Wrong, I'll Slay Demons For My Entire Life if I Had To. But I Just Wanted To Have Some Other Fun If You Get What I Mean, Prince, Soapdicc And Ghosted By A Stripper"

The Entire Gang Have A Quick Group Hug And They Shed Some Tears Of Happiness. The Brothers Have Returned To Their Glory. With Y/N.

They Quickly Return To The Class And Y/N Goes Into The Dressing Room To Change Into Something More Fitting.

Y/N Enters The Class And Instantly Sees That Cardin Has Taken His Old Seat. To Get Closer To Weiss. 

Goodwitch: "Okay Class Lets Welcome Our Old Student Back Into The Academy! Please Introduce Your New Attributes If You Have Them"

Y/N Nods And

Y/N: "Sup You Labled Screws, I'm Y/N. Y'all Know Me As Your Not So Friendly Sarcastic Jackass. My New Attributes Are The Fact That I Could Turn Your Mom On With A Twitch Of My Finger"

Tf141 Already Were Dying Of Laughter

Y/N Continues With

Y/N: "And Oh, Y'all Know That Legend/Myth About A Guy Called Doom Slayer? Yeah I Kinda Ended Up Bein That Guy. Dont Fuck Wit Me. I May Throw You Back Into The Trash Can Or The Kitchen If You're A Woman."

While The Girls Growled, Most The Boys Were On The Floor.

Y/N: "Right, Cheers Lads, Also Cardin Get The Fuck Out My Seat Before I Stick A Plunger Up Your Ass. It'll Be A REAL Shitfest Alright."

At That Roast, Even Goodwitch Started Laughing A Little. Surprising Isnt It.

Y/N Heads Onto His Seat And Cardin Doesnt Get Out The Way. So Y/N Simply Summons A Plunger As His Eyes Turn Red. Cardin Never Got Out That Fast. Even His Dad Who's Not There Would Be Impressed.

Y/N Sits In His Seat And Drinks A Bit Of Water. 

Weiss: "Whatcha Drinkin'?"

Y/N: "Your Blood."

//// Timeskip To After Classes. Cuz Fuck Skoo'////

Y/N Gets Up After Again Turning Oobleck Into The Kool Aid Man After A Kid Refuses To Take Kool Aid And Heads Out Into The Cafeteria. Where He Sees An Empty Table And Occupies It Quick So His Boys Can Come Sit Down With Him.

By Some Magic (Aka P L O T) They Slow Down And Dont Reach The Table Before RWBY Shows Up. Y/N Ignores Them And Keeps Eating His Food.

Blake: "Hey Y/N. Its Been A While"

Y/N: "Yeah, Agreed. Why Are Your Teammates Here By The Way?"

Blake Just Shrugs And Looks At Them For Response

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