Chapter - 6

211 4 1

May 21st, 2020
4 AM
TF141 Dorm

Uggh. Thursday Morning. Its 4 AM. Why Am I Awake? Had A Nightmare About Them...

I'm Gonna Go And Try To Walk It Off. Hopefully From The Tiredness. I Fall Asleep.

I Step Outside My Dorm And I Was Walking And Listening To Domain By KSI.

As I Walk On By The Dorms To The Cafeteria. I Saw Weiss There. On The Bench. I Thought She Was Just Sitting And Sweating. So I Didnt Mind. When I Got A Little Close. It Was Actual Tears In Her Eyes.

Y/N: "Uhhh Weiss? You Okay?"

She Wipes Away The Tears And Faces Me With A Fake Smile

Weiss: "Y-Yep. I'm Fine."

Y/N: "Yeah. Your Red Eyes And Tears On The Table Don't Tell Me That You Were. And That Is The Fakest Smile I've Ever Seen. Even Oobleck Could Do Better"

Weiss Realized That It Was A Waste Of Time To Try And Fool Me. I Got That From Her Looks.

Weiss: "Fine! No.. I'm Not Okay" She Says With The Most Depressing Face Ever. I Felt Bad

Y/N: "What Happened?"

Weiss: "Why Should I Tell You"

Y/N: "Remember Back When I Forgave You. You And I Became Friends Ya Know. So Tell Me, So I Can Help. Atleast Let Me Do That"

Weiss: ". . . Fine... My Dad's Been On Too Much Alcohol. My Sis Tried To Stop Him. He Ended Up Breaking The Bottle And Slashing Her Leg... Mom Cant Help. Its Too Deep. She's Bleeding To Much Y/N! We Might Lose Her..."

Y/N: "Gotcha. Follow My Orders. Tell Your Mom To Secretly Bring Her To Us. I'll Patch Her Up."

Weiss: "You Sure?" I Look Surprised

Y/N: "I Know That I'm Not That Around But That Doesnt Mean I Won't Help"

Weiss Cried A Bit: "T-Thank You Very Much Y/N"

I Hug Her: "You're Welcome. Now Do What I Said" She Nodded And Immediately Texted Her Mom.

I Put My Headphones On Her And Played Domain Again. She Liked It.

Y/N: "This Rocks Eh?"

Weiss Nodded.

5 AM

Her Mom Finally Arrived Outside The Gates. I Saw A Bit Of White Hair In The Back. She's Lying In The Backseat. I Hopped The Gates And Looked. She's Badly Hurt.

Willow: "Please Help Her.... Wait. I Know You! You Hanged Makarov!"

Y/N: "No Time Miss. We Gotta Help Her. Let Me Hop The Gates With Her. I'll Patch Her Up In The Cafeteria With Weiss" I Grab Her And Place Her On My Back. She Grabs Onto Me But Lightly.

I Hopped And Placed Her On The Table.

Y/N: "Weiss! Get Me That Bag I Got Earlier"

She Threw Me The Bag

3 Hours Later

The School Had Opened By Now. I Was On The Cafeteria Seats And Weiss By Her Sister. Everyone Saw Her. I Just Tried Staying Awake. She Might Wake Up Any Seconds. Her Mom Messaged Me

//// W I L L O W  S C H N E E ////

Willow: You Lied To Me

Y/N: "She's Lying On The Table. I Patched Her Up Already. When She's Awake, I'll Send A Pic And Drop Her Off At Your House." I Attached The Pic With It

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