Chapter - 8

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May 23rd
TF141 Dorm
9:46 PM

Y/N: "Yeah?"

Weiss: "Uhh.. So.. Cardin's Become A Huge Black And Blue Monster. He's Doing Horrible Things Around The School. He's Turned Really Dark. Like Really Dark And Has Full Dark Blue Glowing Eyes"

Y/N: "The Shadow's Are Back Again... Shit. I Need To Act Quick"

I Get Up From My Bed And Run Out The Dorm. All I Saw Was Destruction... How Did We Not Hear This? I Hear The Noises In The Cafeteria. I Run To There. And See Cardin. Overtaken By The Shadows.

S!Cardin: "Oh Y/N~. We've Got A Little Present For You~ Hahahahahaha"

Y/N: "Cardin. Dont Let It Control You Man. Try Escaping It. It'll Destroy You!"

Cardin: "Enough Of Your Bullshit. I've Dealt With You Enough. Time To Pay Y/N~"

He Said That And Used His Shadow Powers To Do A Ground Shadow Uppercut. It Knocked Me To Him Where He Used His Shoulder And Dashed Towards Me Causing Me To Be Knocked Out And I Was Into The Wall.

/ / / / M I N D S C A P E / / / /

Y/N: "Am... I Dead...?

Freddy: "Y/N. You Arent Dead Yet. You Are In Your Mind. With Me. A Shadow Holder. Your Shadow Is What's Causing You To Be Here With Me. A Direct Upgrade To Your Shadow And Gear If You Will"

Y/N: "What...? Freddy. You Died That Day. Those Bastards Killed You!"

Freddy: "They Sure Did. But Right Now. Cardin Is On The Loose And Is Overtaken By Shadows. You Need To Fight Him Before Death Overcomes Beacon."

Y/N: "How Tho... My Shadow's Almost Gone. Even My Dude Hasnt Spoken In Forever. He May Be Out And Gone Forever. I Just Have His Shadow With Me.."

As I Said That. A Dark Figure Approached Me. It Looked Really Familiar.

Y/N: "Wait... Is This Shadow? I Saw Him When I Turned Into Shadow Years Ago"

Shadow: "Yes. It's Me. And We Need To Beat Cardin. Before He Ends Up Killing Us All"

I Thought About It For A Bit... I Needed To Beat Him So I Can Later On Take The Shadows And Control Them. Its Gonna Be Hard To Do But I Can Do It.

I Nodded To Them. They Both Looked At Me As They Started Fusing Into Me. It Hurt. I Was Screaming And Burning. When I Was Done. I Found Myself In A Really Dark Room With Dark Blue Light Illuminating It Lightly.

I Was In The Shadow Room.. I Know My Way Out... I Can Do This! We Can Do This.

/ / / /  R E A L   W O R L D / / / /

I Was Back...


I Yelled As He Appeared From The Darkness Again.

Cardin Had A Sly Grin On His Face

S!Cardin: "Oh. You're Back Already? Let Me Teach You Another Lesson" He Tried Punching Me But I Blocked It And Delivered A Strong Blow To His Body.

S!Cardin: "What?! How Are You This Strong?!"

As He Said That. I Looked Up And Screamed With Pure Anger And Agony. As The Demons Of Shadows Overtook Me. But Not Enough To Take Control Of My Actions. It Caused A Lot Of Smoke To Appear. When It Cleared. I Unsheathed My Golden Two Handed Sword And The Shadows Immediately Turned It Blue. (A/N: He Doesn't Notice His Eyes Because He's Looking At The Sword. Not At A Mirror)

Y/N: "It's Time For Payback

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Y/N: "It's Time For Payback."

I Said That As I Dashed Forward Slashing His Hand And Making It Bleed A Bit.

Cardin: "Playing Strong Are We? I'll Beat You Again And Again Until You Die!" He Said That And Dashed Towards Me. I Was Ready. I Used My Own Shadow Powers And Made A Black Hole Of Some Sort Then Used My Teleknesis To Grab Him By The Throat And Slam Him Down Into The Black Hole. Where All Shadows Lived. Only Way Out Is By Me Pulling Him Out. And I Don't Plan That Until I Know For Sure He's Done.

A Few Minutes Later When I Regenerated Enough. I Pulled Him Out The Black Hole And Slammed Him Down Into The Ground. I Held His Face And Said Some Words And Took His Shadow Power Forever. Fuck His Powers.

I Threw Him Away And Walked Back. Limping And Holding My Chest. I Reached Outside My Dorm. Took A Deep Breath And Walked In. I Sensed Soap With My Kunai's Beside The Door. I Opened The Door And Instantly Took The Kunai's Out Of His Hands. I Was Tired So My Hand Slipped And I Accidentally Ended Up With A Kunai In My Wrist. I Didn't Scream Or Anything. Just Silently Walked To My Bed And Laid Down. I Was Finished For The Day. I Was Too Tired To Continue Fighting Or Healing. I Passed Out.

T o   B e   C o n t i n u e d

Yep. SF3 Is Also Being Brought Into My Story. Hope Y'all Enjoyed This Short Chapter. And I'll See Y'all Later. Peace

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