Chapter - 18

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(The shitshow must come to an end. So here it is comrades. The final chapter. Dw, i have another book in mind, I'm not leavin y'all just yet.)


As We Stepped Out From The Bloody Aftermath Of Ozpin, We Saw Chaos. Left Right and Center, People Were Getting Slaughtered. The Attack Had Began. We NEED To Push Them Back.

Y/N: "Fuck... We Need To Get Everyone Outta Here. Y'all Ready For Some Extraction?"

They All Nod In Agreement, It's Go Time.

Y/N: "Alright. Soap, Price, You Guys Go And Rescue Anyone You Can From The Left Side Of The School. Ghost And Rose, You Guys Go To The Cafeteria Side Of Things, Rescue Anyone You Can Find."

Rose: "And What About You?"

Y/N: "I'm Gonna Defend You, Stop Any More Waves From Getting In Or Out."

They All Nod, And We Head Our Seperate Ways.

I Started Slaying Every And Each One Of The Demonic Bastards, One After Another, They Were All Going Down.

???: "Well, Well, Well. If It Isnt You."

Y/N: "Speak Your Business Or Perish In The Name Of The Lor- Huh? What The Fuck Are You Doing Here, You're Supposed To Be Dead"

Tai: "Yes. You're Right. I Am Supposed To Be Dead But Guess What. The Regenerative Powers Of The Grimm Could Heal Any Wound. Lethal Or Not."

Y/N: "Goddamnit Xiao Long. I Expected Much Better From You Than This."

Tai: "I Should've Killed You When I Had The Chance"

Y/N: "But You Didnt. And Now, I'll Make You Pay The Same Price."

Tai: "Have At It, Hahahaha"

He Said As He Brought Down Hundreds If Not Thousands Of Grimm. It Is Now Timw For The Ultimate Battle.

Y/N: "One Shall Stand..."

Tai: "And One Shall Fall."

(3rd Person POV)

As Y/N Brawled Through The Rest Of The Grimm And Tai, He Fell Quite Short Of Power. He Did Not Expect Such Super Charged Enemies And Tai Himself.

On The Other Hand, The Others Were Rounding Up Survivors For Extraction.

Here We Are With Simon And Rose.

Simon: "Fuckin Hell... This Is Way Worse Than Favela. So Much Blood... So Many Lives Just Gone"

Rose: "You're Right. But We Cannot Stop Here, Ours And Other's Lives Depend On It."

Simon Nodded And They Went On.

In The Distance, Simon Had Spotted 3 Similar Figures. They Head On Over To The Bodies, To Flip Them Over And Reveal Who They Were.

Simon: "Oh No... Fuck... Fuck. Fuck!"

Rose Stood There In Shock. It Was The Bodies Of Rose, Yang And Pyrrha. They Had Been Brutally Mutilated.

Rose: "We Must Go On, Y/N Depends On Us For The Survival Of The Rest Of Them."

Simon Grieved For A Bit, Stood Up And Moved On Towards The Cafeteria, Gathering Survivors, Jaune, Weiss, Blake.

And Now With Soap And Price, They Had Almost Swooped The Entire Building, There Was No Signs Of Human Life. It Was All Grimm And Blood.

As They Had Been Fighting Off The Remaining Grimm In The Area, They Found Out That The Entire Block Had Been Slaughtered. Which Means There Are Only 8 Survivors. Y/N, Rose, Ghost, Price, Soap, Jaune, Weiss And Blake.

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