Chapter - 1

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(3rd Person POV)

(Y/N) Was Seen Limping To The Attic Again As He Was Beat By Uncle Qrow And His 'Father' Tai Xaio Long (Too Long Of A Name, Amirite?), (Y/N) Was Disgraced By The Gods To Have Such A Bad Life, At 3 Years Of Age His Father And Mother Die In A Grimm Attack, 1 Year Later, He Got Picked Up By His So-Called 'Uncle' And Raised By Tai

Anyway, It Was Now Morning As Our (Y/N) Wakes Up With The Same Headache. He Gets Up Anyway And Goes Down To Make Food For The 'Family' Or Else Tai Will Probably Beat The Shit Outta Him

Tai: "Oi! You Prick! Why Havent You Cleaned The Floor Yet?!"

(Y/N): "Dad, I Just Wo-" He Was Cut Off By Tai Punching Him Square In The Face.

Tai: "Dont You Dare Backtalk Me Again, You Little BRAT!" That Voice Scared Him The Most. Tai Left (Y/N) To Clean Up The Mess And Make Breakfast

When (Y/N) Was Washing The Dishes, He Heard Ruby And Yang Giggling

(Y/N): 'Ah Shit Here We Go Again, Fuck My Life' He Thought As Ruby Slapped The Plate Out Of (Y/N)'s Hand And Yelled:

Ruby: "Mooom! Daaad! (Y/N) Broke A Plate Again!"

( (Y/N) POV)

'Oh No... She Yelled Again! What The Fuck Man! Why?!' I Thought As Summer And Tai Came Rushing To Me And Tai Punched Me 2 Times In The Face... I Felt Diffrent This Time... Instead Of The Usual Burning Feeling, Its Nothing.. Whats Happening To Me?

'Whats This Feeling? Why Do I All Of A Sudden Feel So Good And Strong All Of A Sudden? Is This My Chance To Escape?' I Thought As I Punched Tai Twice Making Him Fall Over.... 'You're Fucked Tai Xaio Long, ITS MY FUCKING TIME!' I Thought As I Kicked His Abdomen And Started Furiosly Punching The Surroundings, Hitting Tai, Summer And Yang In The Process

After A Good 10 Minutes Of Outrage, I Stopped And Saw Everyone Hurt Or Unconscious Except Ruby... 'I Need To Escape And I Need To Escape RIGHT NOW!' I Thought As I Bolted Through The Garden To The River And Swam My Way Across It...

'Its My Retribution! I'll Never Forgive These Fucks, Though I Still Have Qrow And Raven To Punch. I'll Do It Someday Else... Hahahaha!'

Timeskip To 6 Years Later

((Y/N) POV)

Its Been 6 Years, I've Grown Stronger And Stronger Than Ever! I Live In A Mansion That I Found Abandoned, I Cleaned It Up, Renovated It. Now Its Cool As Fuck! Anyway, I'm (Y/N), 17 Years Old And I Dont Give A Fuck!

I Spotted A Letter At The Entrance 'What? How'd That Get Here, I Was Just Here 2 Minutes Ago! Lets Read It'
I Picked It Up And It Read:

Dear Y/N L/N,

Hello Mr. L/N, We're Here To Congratulate You On Your Admission In Vale's Best School, Beacon! Its Better Than Atlas! We Would Like You To Join Us On Our Journey To Make As Many Huntsmen And Huntswomen As Possible!

Ozpin, Principle Of Beacon

After I Read It, I Thought To Myself, 'Hmm, I Dont Remember Signing Up For 'School', Better Than Atlas? Have You Seen Their New Prototype Robot That's Kicking Ass In Atlas?

Ya Know What. Yeah, I'll Join, Just For The Hell Of It' I Thought As I Went To The Garage To Get My Nissan Skyline R34 And I Left For Vale, I Heard His Voice Again...

Flashback, 2 Years Ago

As I Travelled Through The Land, I Found A Mysterious Monument With A Samurai Statue At The Top. There Was A Piece Missing Which Concidentally Was On The Ground (TOTALLY NOT MAIN CHARACTER HAX)

'Lets See Whats Inside! Cant Be Too Bad!'

I Opened The Gate, To See The Demons From The Other World Be Freed, They Tore My Flesh, Drained My Soul, Turning Me Into A Shadow...

I Opened The Gate, To See The Demons From The Other World Be Freed, They Tore My Flesh, Drained My Soul, Turning Me Into A Shadow

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(Y/N): "What The Fuck's Goin' On? Whats This Black Goo All Over My Body?!"

???: 'Calm Down (Y/N), I'm Shadow, From The Demon World. I Somehow Managed To Save Your Flesh And Bit Of Your Soul, So You Probably Wont Be Able To Remember Anything Past 5 Years Of Age.'

(Y/N): "What? I'm Connected To You Now? Forever? Also How Can I Revert Back?"

Shadow: 'Yes, You're Connected To Me At All Times, You Can Revert Back By Focusing On Your Appearance'

I Did As The Shadow Said, It Worked! I Had Reverted Back! Holy Shit!

(Y/N): 'Soo, Do You Have Any Enhancements? Or Just To Make Me Look Cool?'

Shadow: 'I'm A Shadow, I'm Only Connected To You As A Power Up, I Multiply Your Power Times 100, But To Unlock It, We Have To Defeat The Other Demons That You Free'd'

(Y/N): 'Challenge Accepted You Cheap Great Value Venom'

Shadow: *Sigh* 'I've Gotta Get Used To This Right?'


Flashback End

Timeskip To Reaching Vale's Hotel (Y/N) Booked

Ughh, I Hate Monday Mornings... Oh! Today Was The Day I Go To Beacon! I Put On My Mask And Went To The Bullhead Waiting For Me, Great! Cheap Value Airplanes, Check! Anyway, I Board The Plane


Oh God, Its The Voice I Hated And Wanted To Tear Apart And Keep In A Box As An Offering To The Shadow Gods! Yang Xiao Long, The Daughter Of Tai Xiao Long, Along With Ruby Rose... Wonder Why Their Last Names Are Different... Oh Well Not That I Care.

Yang: "Hey! My Sister Here Wanted To Be Your Friend. Will You Be Her Friend?"

(Y/N): "No And Why Are You Asking It As If I'm Marrying Her?" Both Yang And Ruby Blush At This, I Facepalmed Mentally

Yang: "Well? What If I Am?" She Said With A Smirk, Poor Lady About To Be FUCKING DESTROYED!

(Y/N): "Well First I'd Rip Out Your Eyes And Feed Them To Your Sister And Then Throw You Down Forever Fall And Then Stab Her A Couple O' Times Then Use Her Body As A Ragdoll For My New Punching Bag. How's That Sound?" They Both Fell Silent And Went Back To Their Seats... This Is Gonna Be One HELL OF A RIDE!

To Be Continued...

A/N: So? How's The First Chapter To Y'all? I Am Now Officially Becoming A Writer On Wattpad! Meh. This Wont Get That Many Views But Hey, Something Counts. Anyway, I'll See You On The Far Side. Goodluck And Goodnight!

(1118 Words)

The Shadows Of The PastWhere stories live. Discover now