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Welp, Lunch Ended Quicker Than I Thought, I Ended Up In Maths Class... Fuck Sake, Fuck Newton For That.
---------------SOMEWHERE IN ALASKA-------------------------------------
Some Random Guy: "Newton Didnt Invent Maths"

Y/N: "He's Still A Fucking Cunt"
---------------BACK TO SCHOOL--------

Welp, Time To Sleep! Fuck This Class

Timeskip Brought To You By Me Singing "The C*nt Song" By LHUGUENY

Ugh, Where Am I? Oh Right In Class

Price: "Good, You're Still In 1 Piece, Get Up" I Get Up And Pack My Shit And Get To The Library

At The Library

Alright I'm Here, I See Her At The Table At The End, Alright, Empty Library, Guess It's Only For Those Nerds..

I Make My Way To Her, Looks Like She's Reading A Book.. A Romance Book To Be Exact. I Was About To Interrupt Her Moment And Talk To Her About It.. But I Didnt

I Sat Down.

Y/N: "Nice Book, Eh?" She Jumps Probably Because I Scared Her

Blake: "W-What Are You Doing Here So Early?!"

Y/N: "You Didnt Specify The Time, So I Came Right After Class"

Blake: "U-Uh, Right, Lets Get To The Topic" She Inserted Her Book In Her Bag.

Y/N: "Why'd You Invite Me Here Without The Boys?"

Blake: "I Have 2 Questions, One, What Do You Think Of The White Fang, Two, Why Do You Hate Ruby And Yang?" I Looked At Her In The Eye For A Bit... Maybe I Got A Little Lost But I Regained My Composure.

Y/N: "Well One, They're Misguided, Lead By Revenge. I Saw How The Faunus Were Treated, Bastards Pulled A Monkey's Tail Until It Came Off. Two, I Hate Them Because Of What They Did To Me, They Left The Worst And The Worst Of Scars On My Body... I Weeped Evey Night. Only To Be Cut At Night Again. I Was Given Rotten Bread Moulds And Polluted Water As My Daily Food.. If The One Thing That Will Make Me Calm Down Is Cutting Their Heads Off"

Blake Was Surprised At My 1st Answer, Then Sympathy Was Growing Around Her Face.

Blake: "Well I Called You Here Because I Think You're Trusted Enough To Be The First One Aside From My Parents To Know My Secret..."

Y/N: "What? That You Are Interested In Romance Books?" She Blushed

Blake: "N-No! I Meant By Something Else..." She Stood Up And Took Off Her Bow, I Legit Thought She Was Gonna Strip... But I Was Wrong, A Tail Came Out Of Her Back And Cat Ears Came Out The Head, I Wasnt Surprised.

Y/N: "Wow... I Could've Never Guessed... Yeah, I Totally Didnt See That Bow Twitch And The Smell Of Cats All Over You.. Totally" I Said With Such Sarcasm That Would Make Deadpool Ashamed Of Himself

(Author: "Such Confidence")

She Was Surprised At How I Knew Who She Was

Y/N: "Oh Well, I'm Out" Before I Could Go. She Grabbed My Arm And Said

Blake: "I'm Trusting You With This, Dont Let It Out To Anyone! Please!"

Y/N: "Why Are You So Scared About Getting Your Actual Form Leaked?"

Blake: "Its Because I Dont Wanna Be Abused Or Killed... My Dad Died Because Some Humans Shot Him In The Chest During A Raid... I Joined The White Fang To Get Revenge... But I Realized That It Wasnt What I Thought It Was, We Were Slaughtering Innocents Like There's No Tomorrow... I Hated It... Thats Why I Escaped And Always Fear That Someday My Personality Will Leak..."

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