Chapter - 14

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3rd POV
Castle Dimitrescu

Y/N: "Okay. Here's The Plan, You Guys Go And Cover Other Areas. Look At This Map."

Y/N Shows A Map Thats On The Hallway Wall. It Shows 5 Areas, All With Weird Symbols.

Y/N: "My Pure Guess Is That These Are The Locations Of Where We Might Find Rose's Lost Parts. Ethan You're Going To The Dollhouse And Chris, You're Going To The Swamp. We're Goin To The Factory Together. The One I Left Out Looks Like The Place Chris And I Just Cleared Out. Clear?"

They Nod And They Move Onto Their Areas. 


Great So They're Gone Towards Their Own Sites. Hopefully They Do End Up Back In 1 Piece.

Okay So I Have 3 Options. Rooftop, Courtyard Or The Basement. Damn Now I Wish I Had Kept Them Back With Me.

I'm Gonna Start On The Basement First. It Seems Promising Enough. To Have Kids Trapped Inside, Because That Literally Seems Like All They Do Here. Think About It, Reader, Have You Seen A Child In This Small Ass Town ANYWHERE?

(Author: Goddamnit You Shithead You Really Gotta Break The 4th Wall Every Time Huh.)

I Make My Way Down The Stairs Slowly, Its Quite Well Lit. Well For A Basement With Kids Trapped.

Okay, I'm Genuinely Surprised To Not See A Single Kid Here. They Got Cells With.. Torture Equipment, Like You Really Gotta Make ALL The Males Regret Ever Coming Here Huh.


Y/N: "Okay What The Fuck Was That?! I Swear, If You're Behind Me, I'm Going To Rip You Off With A Paid Version Of Fortnite."

I Turn Around And Indeed There Is A Robed Entity Behind Me. Cunt.

I Quickly Pull Out My Golden Sword And Slice And Dice.

Y/N: "The Next Demon Or Entity I Meet, Its Getting Ripped Off For A Paid Fortnite"

I Continue My Way Through The Basement, Checkin Everywhere. Nothin Of My Matter. There's A Ladder Here Tho. I Wonder Where It Leads... Oh Well, Time To Climb.

After Climbing That Ladder, I Feel Like I Got Ripped Off. This Shit Just Led Me 1 Step And Broke. Fuck You Ladder.

I Turn Back And Go Up The Same Way I Did Before. Now For The Courtyard.

/// F L A S H B A C K    P A U S E ///

Soap: "Bruh For Real, Rose Should Be Considering Herself Lucky To Actually Be Saved By You. I Mean Her Chances Were Lower Than Before When YOU Arrived On The Scene"

Y/N: "Soap, I Swear, If I'd Brought You There, You'd Probably End Up Dead Before A Bee Could Sting A Human. And Bees Die Right After They Sting You"

Soap Smiled

Soap: "You Know For Damn Sure That Was A Good Clap."

Y/N: "Mine? For Sure Man, Mine Was Awesome As Always."

Soap Sighed And Gave Up While I Grinned Ear-to-Ear, Everyone Was Just Too Busy Giggling On Soap's Clap. It Was Actually Good Tho Not Gonna Lie.

/// F L A S H B A C K    R E S U M E///

(3rd Person POV)

Y/N: "Dude If This Cold Dont Stop Bothering Me, I'm Gonna Go Bonkers Yeah? I'm Gonna Get Some Tea, Some Jolly-Whackin Crisps And Set Me Down A Few Crumpets And That, Innit?" 

That Was So Cringe Half Of America Stopped Being Racist Just To Boo You.

Moving On, Y/N Continued On His Way To Search The Place For Anything That Could Lead To Him Finding Rose.

Y/N Uses His Radio To Check In On Ethan And Chris.

Y/N: "Yo Shit-Eaters, What's Y'all's Progress So Far?"

Chris: "Nothing. This Swamp Has Literally Nothing. Its An Ordinary Swamp, If You Can Believe It."

Ethan: "I Encountered The Boss Or Master Of Whatever This Madhouse Was."

Y/N Had His Eyes Widened. This Could Mean Bad News.

Y/N: "What Happened? Are You Okay?"

Ethan: "Yeah I'm Good. I Know How You Can Find Rose's Missing Parts"

Chris: "What? What Do Ya Know?"

Ethan: "Every Territory Here Has 1 Master To It's Domain, Like The One Y/N Is In? Thats Held By A Tall Lady. If You Kill The Master, The Flask Of The Remains Of Rose Will Be Dropped With The Crystal Of The Master You Just Killed."

Y/N: "So Basically, Kill The Master, Get Flask And A Crystal For Free?"

Ethan: "I Guess, Yeah."

Chris: "Fuck... That Means I'm Not Done Searching This Swamp, I Have To Find The Master Or Whatever."

Y/N: "Same. Alright, Remember. Meetup At The Red House With The Chimney."

C/E: "Rog/Okay"

Y/N Put Down The Radio And Focused On Finding This Tall Lady.

Y/N: "Tall Bitch? You There?"

Y/N Kept Walking Around The 2nd Floor Until He Got Pulled Into A Room By A Hooded Figure. Demon Or Not, Y/N Couldnt Detect.

Y/N Escaped The Grasp Of The Figure And Reached For His Sword.

H/F: "Woah Woah Woah, Hear Me Out, I'm Here To Help."

It Seemed Like A Young Lady.

Y/N: "Yeah After You Just Pulled Me In Here, I Dont Think You Should Be The One Asking The Questions."

The Hooded Figure Then Took Off Her Hood To Show That She Was The 3rd Daughter Of The Tall Lady.

Y/N: "What The Fuck? I Just Killed Like 2 Of You, How The Fuck Are You Still Alive?"

???: "My Name Is Cassandra, I'm The 3rd Daughter Of Lady Dimitrescu, The Other 2 You Killed Were My Sisters. I Can Tell You Where She Is"

Y/N: "Okay. Why Should I Believe You're Gonna Lead Me Right To Her, You're Her Daughter After All."

Cassandra: "I Hate Her Just As Much As You Hate Us."

Y/N: "I Dont Buy It. There's No Way You're Selling Your Mother Out Like That"

After A Couple Minutes Of Back And Forth Arguing. 



That Set Cassandra Off, She Lunged At Y/N. Only To Get Pierced By His Golden Sword. She Turned Into Some Sort Of Crystal, Y/N Kept Collecting These To "Set On His Proud Memories"

Now, It Was Clear That Lady Dimitrescu Was All Alone. Her Daughters Dead, Her Slaves Slain And There Was Nothing, But Her And Y/N.

Y/N: "Come On Out Dimitrescu, I'll Make Your Death Quick."

Y/N, Searching For Dimitrescu, Went Onto The Roof While Looking Everywhere. He Heard Some Sort Of Wings Flapping Around

Before Y/N Could Turn Around, He Had Been Struck By A Dragon's Wings. It Had Crystals For Feathers And It Had A Disfigured HUGE Lady Coming Out Of Its Back. 

Y/N Stood Back Up And Looked In Awe As The Dragon Flew By.

Y/N Knew That The Huge Lady On The Back Was His Primary Target.

Lady: "Flesh... Bones... I WILL DEVOUR ALL OF YOU."

Y/N: "Sure, We Can Get That Done By Evening But Uuhh Do You Wanna Buy Fortnite For 20 Honka Dollar's? We Also Accept Different Kinds Of Payment. If Ya Know What I Mean"

Lady Being Disgusted, She Flew Right At Him And Y/N Dodged In Time

Y/N: "I Meant Cards Or Maybe PayPal You Dumbass."

Lady Still Disgusted And Pissed, She Threw Herself Or The Dragon More-so At Y/N, But Y/N Being Y/N

He Got On Top Of The Dragon And Flew With It.

Y/N: "Ya Know, This IS Quite Fun For A First Date, Dont Ya Think?"

Lady Tried Smashing Y/N Into The Wall Only For Him To Jump Off And Climb Upto A Roof.

Y/N: "Hey, We Dont Know Each Other THAT Well, I Aint No Man-Whore."

Lady Again Tried To Fly Right At Him. If Only Y/N Was Dumb Huh.

Y/N: "Enough Playing Around, Lets Finish This. And Not In A Sexual Way, I Mean Like- YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN."

Y/N Brought Out His Shotgun And Shot Lady In The Dragon's Head. She Aint Badly Damaged But She Felt That.

Y/N Shot Her Again But This Time With The Super Shotgun, Right To The Chest. This Made Her Weak. She Was Falling Faster Than Your Dad's Milk.

And Before They Knew It, They Were Already On The Ground. Only 1 Standing... You Know Who It Is, Stop Making Suspense You Illiterate Assholes.

Anyways, Y/N Looked At What The Fuck She Had Become. It Was... Intriguing For Him To See Such A Sight. I Mean, You Dont Get To See A Dragon With Crystal As Its Damn Skin Everyday.

Y/N Continued And Used His Golden Sword To Finish Off The Job. In The End, Some Sort Of Crystal Statuette Was Formed And A Flask Was Laid Right Next To It.

The Flask Was Labeled "Legs"

Y/N On The Radio: "Yeah So Found Her Legs. What Is The Progress So Far?"

Ethan: "Waiting In The Red House."

Chris: "Heading There Now, There's A Massive Crowd Of Them, Damn, Hold On." 

Several Gunshots Were Heard From Chris' Side.

Chris: "Okay, I'm Heading There Now. I Might Need Help Tho, Y/N?"

Y/N: "On It, I Got Dimitrescu And The Flask. I'm Comin Towards You. Where Are You?"

Chris: "Still In The Swamp. The Monster Brought In All These Stupid Demons Or Some Shit. We Also Need To Kill The Swamp Monster Tho."

Y/N: "Hang Tight, I'm Sprinting As Fast As I Can"

To Be Continued.

(There. Y'all Can Have This Now, See Y'all In A Few Months Lmfao. Nah But Seriously, I'm Goin Through Some Shit Rn, I WILL Be Back Soon Enough. Until Then, Fuck You, And I'll See You Some Day Else.)

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