Wanna Try (Edited)

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As the sun's raging light grew dim, it was slowly being replaced by the already dim light of the moon.

"How far is it?" I said.

"Just a few more minutes," Drew said.

I had started to get nervous again. Ted held my hand next to his leg on the seat, trying to comfort me. My phone rang, most likely being my father.

"Hello," I said.

"Be home by eleven," he instantly stated.

"Wow no who, where, when, how, what," I said.

"London I would love to be able to do that, but you're too uptight to need it."

I laughed feeling pathetic, but not in a bad way, just a little more humorous outlook.

"See ya later Dad."

"Have a good time London."

I hung up the phone. Part of my anxiety must have been coming from the fact that I hadn't been confirmed to go, because I felt a little calmer. Yet I was still wary about the driving. On a long, soon to be dark freeway, we kept going straight with few turns. Soon enough the street lights faded into the passed road behind us, with the little bit of sun left being our light. After a few seconds of dark roads, the street lights came back into view. It was quite odd, as if they were telling you; you had entered a whole other universe.

I had guessed it meant we were in another city, or town, but there wasn't a sign indicating so from what I could see. Soon after, the car slowed to a stop in a parking lot, with no particular establishment to be for. It was just a lot, inside a lot. There appeared to be an old building hosting it, because right next to it there was debris of metal wires and pipes near and inside, some pieces not too far from the car. From what it looked like the party had to be somewhere else. Probably in the thick woods that were just past the large stretch of land that was between the parking area, and the woods.

We weren't the only cars there, and it surprised me how many came from the same school as ours yet arrived so far before us. Dailey Fretz's Taurus, George Calister's Nissan, and other cars I could I identify were just a few. I had to reassure myself that I wasn't a stalker for knowing the owners of a weird proportion of them.

"Where's the house?" I asked.

"Stop asking so many questions London," I thought to myself realizing I was the only one who did so.

"In the woods," Ted said.

He knew this area quite well. Including further back into town, it seemed he had lived around here prior to his move to Seattle, then moving back, where he now resides across the street. He also knew the teen party spots, and lots of the kids.

Only camp.

I had reassured myself before I went into a delusion of conspiracies about him and the others. More products of my nerves because I was highly out of my element.

The reply Ted gave me on my outfit still didn't seem legit enough to accept, the fact that the house was inside the woods seemed weird, and Andrew, despite anyone knowing had looked at me in the rear view a total of . . . three times. Specifically with a look of blackmail in his eye. Like a cobra ready to strike. I smiled at myself for the clever yet cliché phrase I had thought of for the situation. But the matter was no joke.

"Well, not everyone get out at once," the unknown girl said.

After the statement we began getting out, into the cool air of the night. There were no stars that I could see since it was still early. After I got out, being the first to do so, Ted followed, then the others in no distinctive order.

I walked towards the forest in the tall grass. It reached to my chest nearly, pretty tall to me, only being 5'4. The others, besides Jenny, who I didn't even know was in the other car, were at least 5'6. Considerably tall for girls, but it was like that in most of the school. Jenny was one of the few students that were caught in the middle, being 5'5. (Once again, not a stalker. )

"Come on, why aren't you guys pumped up!" That hug handshake guy said. It was a shame I forgot his name.

"Woo!" He screamed as he picked up the unknown girl from our car and put her on his shoulders.

"Bobby put me down!" She screamed.

"Oh, so you don't want a ride to the party? Guess you get to walk in the grass," he smiled.

She really didn't need to, she had very short shorts on, it would eat her skin alive.

"No no, I think I misunderstood your actions, you may carry me," she said laughing.

"Okay, like I thought," he said.

She put her other leg over his shoulder.

"Is my head on what I think it is?" Bobby smiled and nearly screamed.

"Nope, that's it," she laughed. She took herself off of his shoulders and had then started to piggyback.

I couldn't help but smile at how cute it looked. I had gazed for a while.

"Wanna Try?" Ted said, though I wasn't paying attention.

I turned to him on my right, "Huh, try what?" I said.

"Piggyback ride."

"Well that is copying."

"I'm sure you can look a lot cuter doing it."

I blushed, "Sure."


He lifted me up into the air with no problem. I let out an unintentional scream of surprise. He was tall, so it was very different from my normal view of things.

"Oh my gosh," I smiled.

I had wrapped my arms around his neck as he held my legs. Slightly uncomfortable from the touching, but it was alright.

"So, we got a chicken race," Bobby said.

"You know it!" Ted smiled back.

"No," the girl and I  both seemed to say at the same time. But it was too late; they had started running across the huge, grassy field.

We laughed as the two ran their fastest. I'm sure they forgot someone was on their back. We slammed, jumped, and bounced along with the movements they were making.

"Come on, you gotta be faster than that," Bobby said as they had an okay lead.

For a second I thought it was me, but I wasn't that chubby at all. Then he kicked it into overdrive. He had been saving his energy for the final few feet we had to go.

"Ha!" Ted said as he breezed into the forest first.

"That's what I'm talking about," Ted grinned, with The Grin.

I jumped off his back, as well as the girl from Bobby's.

"I'm sorry, I allowed that ride to happen," she said.

"Believe me it was mine," I said referring to Ted like a pet horse. The statement sounded better in my head for conversation.

"Terra," The girl said.

"London," I said though she'd heard my name before.

"Terra," Bobby said from a fair distance to her left. We had stopped and began talking in the middle of the pack. With a near same amount of people on each side.

Not too long after, in between the trees and branches, you could start to see lights. Then after that you began to hear music.

"Wow," I said breathlessly.

We had arrived, at a raging party. The house was surprisingly a mansion nearly, and almost, if not every room was lit up with lights. There were not exactly spotlights, but lights that flashed around like Hollywood spotlights do.

"Let's walk down," Ted said referring to the hill we were on.

Let's go, into the world of Ted. I was getting used to it, because dating him had this as a mandate. Being a lead in the party world.

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