Quote on Quote (Edited)

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"Mandy!" I screamed.

After her glorious spa trip, there was no more hot water in the shower.

"Mandy!" I screamed again, shivering in the back of the shower, away for the cold fountain of ice.

"Yes?" She said as I heard her heels click into the hall outside of the bathroom door.

"The hot water's gone," I snapped, as if she could do something about it.

"Well, you'll have to blame your dad as well for that little incident," she said with a chuckle, "we started off trying to conserve water,"

"Eww," I screeched wiping off my feet one at a time. She was laughing in the background of my freak out.

"Don't be so uptight London, it's natural," she said only trying to further my breakdown.

"You guys are horrible."

"We love you too," she said.

"Where are you two going anyway?"

The hot water had finally reappeared, and I was now enjoying my cleansing.

"Well, your father went to work early today, and I'm going out with some friends for breakfast."

I slightly giggled at the fact that she knew her cooking was horrible.

"Can I come with you?"

"Well they're already at the restaurant, I'm late."

"Please, I need to get out of this house."

"Don't you have friends of your own?"

"Yeah, but she's probably sleep."

"You never know, she might not."

Believe me Scarlett was sleep, it was Saturday.

"I guess."


"Why can't I go with you?"

"Honestly, because we're going to pull a all day and night party."

"Sounds like fun."

"If you're over 21."


"Bye London."


I sound of her heels dissipated as she walked away, shortly followed by the closing of the front door.

After showering and getting dressed in some clean pajamas I went downstairs and sat in the kitchen. It was 7 am on Saturday, and unlike any other high school student knew, I was wide awake, with nothing to do. I tried so hard this morning to fall back asleep but all the attempts were glorious fails. Now I was stuck with the problem of finding something to keep me from dying of boredom. My stomach growling reminded me as well to not die from starvation.

I searched through the fridge only to find some leftover ham, rancid quiche, a couple of uncooked eggs, and a slice of salami. I decided to fix a salami sandwich, but when I walked to the bread covert, it was a desert. I could even swear I seen a miniature tumble weed.

"When they defiled the shower they could have brought some groceries afterwards." I thought to myself.

I had now set my mind on a sandwich that I could not have. I had some money to go to the store in my purse upstairs, but like any daughter of a rich cheapskate, I had no car.

I thought of another way I could get some bread. Then a despicable thought popped into mind. Ted.

I quickly tried to abandon the idea, but it still lingered on. It continued to the point I filed it into the maybe section of my wants.

Mr. Ted PopularWhere stories live. Discover now