Heart (Edited)

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The ringing of the sirens cleared my thoughts. I was unable to talk to myself over them. In a way it was good, at least I couldn't imagine everything that could go wrong anymore.

But while it was good for coping, it wouldn't be good for my reality. Reality was, he would probably die.

Within a few minutes the hospital came into view. Meds rushed out of the building to help. Mandy hadn't yet arrived, but I didn't care, I walked in with them.

The only woman of the group stopped me before I continued to the operation room.

"You have to wait right here okay," she said.

"No please you've got to let me back," I cried.

"I'm sorry I can't," she sighed.

I cried. "Dad!" I sobbed, looking over her shoulder as he was being wheeled into the room.

"We've got him now,' she said, "he's gonna be alright okay."

"Okay," I said hesitantly.

The doors closed. And I could no longer see him again. I passed the halls, not even noticing Mandy's existence until minutes after she arrived. We would most likely be here for hours, or as my mind kept pointing out, seconds. I constantly repeated shut up to myself.

"You're alright?" Ted sighed with relief gasping, "What's wrong?

"My dad," I said sobbing, "he had a heart attack."

I had gone limp again falling into his arms, crying, and for the first time I didn't have feelings, just sadness for my situation.

"It's gonna be fine," Ted said, "He's alright."

"No it's not," I sobbed.

"Yes it is."

"I know it. It's just like my mom."

"No it's not."

He hugged me tighter, to the point it was hard to breath and move all in the same token. Yet I couldn't calm myself. I continued to sob, softer after a few minutes, but continuously; just as he continued to hug me.

We sat together in the chairs attached to the middle of the walls, outside his room. After an hour the nurse came out. I had stopped crying at that point, but the tears were ready to come out with any trigger words.

"Is he okay?" I snapped like a reflex.

"He's stable," the nurse said, "but we have some bad news."

"What is it?" Mandy jumped in.

"We ran some tests, and we've found out he has heart disease," she finished.

"Heart what?" I said in awe.

"We're sorry, it's pretty advanced. We can still help him but at his stage he's lucky to have the size attack he did."

I swelled again, pressured to stop the tears again. But Mandy did the opposite. She fell into a well of salt water, crashing to the bottom, sunk down into the chair.

"Can we see him?" I said in between the sharp sniffling inhales that crying caused.

"I'm afraid he needs to rest. I would recommend you guys come back tomorrow, he should be rested by then."

"Okay," I sighed.

The nurse walked back in the room. We dismissed, except for Mandy. Her shift was starting soon. I hated her guts, but it gave me comfort to know she would be able to watch after him.

Since I rode to the hospital in the ambulance, I didn't have a way home. Luckily Ted had already guided me his direction in the parking lot.

"Thank you," I said as he opened the door for me, and walked to the driver's seat.

Mr. Ted PopularWhere stories live. Discover now