Stuck With A Jerk In Hawaii (Edited)

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"Hey London," Ted called climbing out of the water, as the waves appeared to pull his legs, trying to get him to come back. Another hopeless victim, begging for his deceiving charm to comfort them to the fact that they were unlovable. Maybe an overstatement, but my heart couldn't help but feel it was far too true.

"You have got to swim with me," he smiled.

Another fake thing he probably did. Smile to come off as the sweet guy who cares, the lover boy, when under the shell he was the panty snatcher, making a Victoria Secret shrine probably hidden in his room, filled with broken briefs, and a blank space for the planned briefs of me.

"I'm good," I said, keeping up the charade that my life didn't crash with the waves in that second. But it was hard talking to the source of the pain and not flinching, "I'm still tired anyway."

"Well, if you can get past my mom, you could probably lay back down, I won't say anything," he whispered, though she wasn't anywhere near.

I stood up as soon as his last period was placed, leading to the sense that I may have been upset. He pursued me, as I walked away.

"London are you okay? You seem a little annoyed?" He said walking alongside me.

"Nah, I'm just tired," I lied continuing, not making eye contact.

"You were just cool a few minutes ago," he said.

The answer Ted, "a few minutes ago" meaning the past. Before I became Stuck With A Jerk In Hawaii.

"I didn't realize moods couldn't change," I hissed.

He laughed, like anything I had sent off in signals was humorous, "What's wrong?"

"Me Ted. I was wrong, and now I feel stupid. This is nowhere near the appropriate response," I snapped looking him dead in the face.


"Yeah, I believed the new "Mr. Popular" of the school, randomly chose me because it was love at first sight. And then I realized how stupid that sounded today, and I realize that I don't want to fall further into an empty void, especially when there's no one at the bottom to catch me."

"What are you talking about?" He said as the people around began looking at the heating argument.

"Your drug addicted brother Ted, the fact that he wasn't in the army, and is still alive."

". . ."

"The fact that you aren't from Seattle, your just from the other side of town, the fact that you knew everyone before you got to the school, the fact that you knew me before I knew you existed, and the fact that you used that as an advantage in a little schoolboy bet."

He looked at me with a mixed emotion expression. Surprise, embarrassment, a hint of fake regret. But I continued to yell, making sure I received my full money's worth considering I would probably pay for my stay after we returned and I blocked all contact from Ted and his parents.

"That's what's wrong me. If that upsets you, then you'll have to wait until later, when I might care enough to try to care."

I stormed to the elevator before it closed, the family ahead of me, who most likely planned to use it backed out of the way, trying to let me be alone in my rage filled ride.

"London," Ted said trying to stop me.

I pressed the button hoping that date would let the door close before he got pass the crowd of people, so I wouldn't have to be near his targeted face.

"Come on," I whispered to myself angrily.

"Wait," he said getting closer.

The doors were just beginning to close, and my heart pumped in hope that they would shut before he reached it.

The slit grew smaller and smaller, and he was not inside. Just as the hole grew too small for someone to put something in it, you kicked his foot out. The doors opened back up, letting him inside, only making my day worse.

I turned around to the wall opposite of him as the door finally blocked off connection from the rest of the world.

"London, please listen to me," he pleaded, "come on."

I remained ignorant to the sound of him talking.


I finally let go. The tears drowned us in the elevator, as I shot my head at him like a bullet, venom forming in my words.

"What!" I screamed, "What can you possibly say!"

"I'm sorry," he said with tears in his eyes.

The door opened, and I ran out with him following me. I held my face in my hands sobbing to the room, I had, had the key so I opened the door, trying to make it in before he could, but I was too late.

"Leave me alone," I cried," I hate you."

"Please, listen to me, please," he sobbed.

"Why? So you can only tell me the truth, and hurt me more?"

"No, please believe me, I do love you."

"Why would you lie if you loved me! Why would you not tell me before!"

"Because I knew what would happen. I didn't want to make you upset."

"Well it's too late for that. So why don't you tell me now."

He wiped his face, and sniffles a bit fixing his voice, "You're right, I am from the other side of town, and I do know all of the kids at your school, that's why they liked me so much, you're right. And you're right about Andrew telling about you before I came to the school, and we did make a bet on who would sleep with you first."

With his conformation I cried harder.

"But listen, after that day on the roof, when you and your dad were arguing, I knew that I started to like you. I knew that I wanted to be your husband one day, I knew that you were mine, and I was yours, you have to believe me. I know that I've lied to you so long, and told some of the biggest lies in history, but you have to know, that I'm not lying now. London Clarissa Sparks, I love you. I love you with all of my heart and being."

I sobbed as he continued.

"I'm a jerk, and I've slept with, and dumped dozens of girls within my 16 years of living, and I haven't felt remorse for any of them, but you make me feel like I would die if you left. Please, don't do that to me. I know I don't deserve you, and you would even be better with Andrew compared to me, but know that I love you."

I cried thinking over everything he said, word by word. Then I thought about my heart, and how it wanted to believe him, and my mind, and how it just knew he had to be lying. Then his face. The purest thing I had seen in life. Sincere care, hurt, love. But I thought back on mine, pain, sadness, betrayal, all because of his genuine care.

I didn't know what I could do. I couldn't think, only sob, with the pressure of my heart on my decision. I looked up at his face, he had tears across it just as mine, making his face look like it had endured hours in the sun, and his skin red from straining.

"I love you." I said with a faint whisper. And it was just enough.

He thrusted himself on my lips, kissing me like life would leave if he stopped. I kissed him back, just as hard. I could barely think, only my heart could feel. And it pushed me into him. As crazy as I felt, and as bad as a time it was, I wasn't anxious anymore. I didn't care, and would care if it didn't. I unbuttoned my dress, and yanked his shorts, and what happened next, only instinct controlled.

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