Not In School (Edited)

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I had overslept, and showered rushing to get out of my house as if it had caught on fire.

"Come on!" I screamed to myself.

After barely getting my clothes on the right way, I ran out of my house. My skin smacked against the pavement.

"You need shoes to go to school London," I said to myself.

I ran back in and grabbed my closest pair of shoes. A pair of purple flats, which clashed with my pink shirt horribly. I would have run up my stairs to get something more suitable for a pink based outfit, but I was about five minutes late. I couldn't be late first thing in the morning, because I had Mr. Domino, the guy who replaced Macintosh, and believe me he was no nice guy. I could count on one hand how many times I got in trouble in school, and all of those times except one were because of him. It was never anything serious, but it was annoying petty things that bugged me, like talking when he wasn't talking. I mean guy, you never said no talking. As time went on, I assumed he hated me.

I ran out of the house, this time with a fully functional dress code. As I walked up to the school, the second bell was just preparing to ring. I then pushed myself to my physical maximum, trying to quickly reach the class.


I let out a huge sigh as I got the remaining things I needed for my classes. I dragged myself through the red and white halls to the attendance office. Another beautiful thing about the school, it had an office for each specific office staff that are usually in one big office in normal schools.

"Hello Mrs. Simmons," I smiled trying to sweeten up the bitter woman.

Just like Domino, she was a walking Pandora's box of evil.

"What's your reason for being late?" She said with a hint of unnecessary attitude in her voice. You could barely tell it was there because she sounded like a deep voiced man.

"Over slept," I said still smiling.

She cut the ticket out of the tardy machine and handed it to me.

"I wish I lived that close to the school and was late," she said under her breath as I walked away.

I was not in the mood for school anymore, because I knew it would get worse. I knocked on Mr. Domino's English class door.

"Reason for being late," he said through the door.

"I was sick earlier," I lied. Last time someone overslept, he gave a very sarcastic and funny reply, "If you want to sleep so much, you can sleep all you want outside of my class,"

He was just a prick.

Then the door opened, I'm sure he must have not known it was me, because if he did I would have to say I died and came back as a ghost just for him to consider letting me in.

"Ahh, Ms. Sparks," he said, "Number two right?"

He pulled out a sheet of yellow paper, "Three and it's going on permanent record," he smiled.

He filled me with more anger than anyone I had the displeasure to meet. I just wanted to get the period over with, and never see him until tomorrow. I angrily sighed as I took my seat in the back of the class next to Scarlett, Frank, and Ron, all people that I talked to. Mostly Scarlett, but Frank and Ron were pretty good backup if she wasn't there.

"He hates you," Frank said.

"Tell me about it," I said quickly jotting down the answer to the warm-up question on the board. After answering it almost instantly after arriving I sat in my chair and waited for him to write something for us to do and sit down, or teach as he called it. 99% of everything he gave us we taught ourselves how to do it. He only got up his fat butt when the tests were near.

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