I Do Have A Heart (Edited)

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"London!" I heard a voice call, at least I thought.

My ears had become so clogged and congested that it sounded muffled. I didn't respond either way, I didn't want to be found from my voice. I just wanted to be away. I knew I should have never gone. I didn't belong, and I would never belong no matter who I dated.

I thought to myself, was I really that sad and annoying. Listening to how they portrayed me I was horrible. I hated myself. I began crying harder as I thought about it.

"London?" The voice said. This time I could hear it out completely.

"Leave me alone," I sobbed.

I definitely didn't want to talk to him.

"I saw you run out. What happened?"

"I said leave me alone Andrew," I hissed looking up at him.

I viciously wiped my eyes so I could see his expression.

"I can't just leave you in the middle of the woods," he said leaning down, "I Do Have A Heart."

"How ironic that how you broke up with me was so heart-less."

Even while crying I had to give a very small giggle to the awesome pun I had made.

"That's not the point," he said touching my arm.

"Stop," I commanded.

"Did Ted do this? Is that jerk being mean to you?"

"Being mean? You're being mean."

"How, he's not out here is he?"

I went silent.

"Like I thought," he huffed, "give me your hand."

Why did he have to do this? Put his own needs and obsessions in the way of my feelings. If he had any remorse he would leave me alone. I sat, not doing anything. I tried not to think about what he had said. Ted wasn't outside to help me, but that's just his strategy of leverage. Use my romantic interest's short falls to destroy us.

"That doesn't mean anything," I said, my crying slowly resigning.

"I'm sure it does. It means-"

"It means I didn't see what happened," Ted said from nowhere, "Are you okay?"

He ran over to me. He casually pushed Andrew out of the way as if he wasn't there.

"What's wrong?" Ted said concerned.

I looked at Andrew ignoring his question; he had just got up and walked away.

"Nothing," I said standing up.

"He said something about me?"



"He was out here."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

I did not think the response I had just said through at all. I just spoke. Now I had to fix it.

"I mean why didn't you?"

"I didn't see anything; someone walked up to me and told me."

"It's just. . ."


"I knew this would happen."

I walked off, further into the woods.

"I can't be with you Ted."

He ran after me.

"You can't be serious."

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