Number 43 (Edited)

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I turned myself around in the opposite direction from which he walked. I contemplated whether I should run back to him, and yell at him like a maniac for having such a lose jaw, but I concluded it wasn't that bad. I only got a couple weird stares. Scarlett waited for me by the gym door as I approached.

"Okay, so you're just going to act all strong and then let everything out," she said as we simultaneously walked into the double doors.

"What are you talking about?" I asked hoping that my prediction that my relationship had already spread across the school.

"Sweetheart everyone in school is talking about you and Ted."


"It doesn't take long for gossip to spread."


We walked into the locker room as three others were getting dressed. After quickly changing into my gym clothes, me and Scarlett met back outside the door, and walked to our gym positions.

"Look over there," Scarlett said pointing across my chest to the right.

Dakota. Stretching her arms with her eyes glued on me. I pretended I didn't see her.

"My life is just over," I said finally standing in my designated gym spot.

"Alright ladies, we're warming up today, with set five," Mrs. Landers called from the front of the gym.

My gym period, despite being able to have boys was all girls. Not that I didn't love the idea of not having to worry about bending over while wearing track shorts, which rise all the way up to just the tip of your lower butt cheek, but the drama never stopped.

If there were at least three guys there would be a little order, to avoid embarrassment mostly.

Set five jumping jacks, ultimate toe touches, extreme pushups, and five laps around the humongous gym, and that's only to warm up. Afterwards I was completely out of breath. I had hoped we would do something I enjoyed today, but she decided to play Relay Speedway, a fancy relay race in which you try to catch the other team. I was horrible at running, so I prepared myself to be cursed out by everyone on my team when I got us caught.

Not to long into the game, I had the baton, and in a sick twist of fate so did Dakota. Her big Brown curls ferociously jumping as she ran to catch me. She was obviously a lot faster than I had thought, because I was caught by her shortly after looking back at her. But she didn't just tap me, oh no.

"Ah!" I yelled rolling across the floor.

She pushed me with all her might, knocking me off balance. The first day, and someone was already jealous enough to kill me nearly. I had taught myself a long time ago to not stick up for myself, always be the timid child I was thought as, but she really tested my patience.

"Are you okay?" various girls asked walking up to me.

"I'm fine," I said as Karia helped me up.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't slow down," Dakota said.

Of course she had to be faking; we all knew why she did it. I just shook it off, and pretended to believe her obvious lie, "That's okay," I said plainly.

As we slammed our gym lockers shut at different times causing a bombardment of noise, a circle of gossip started to form. I, who was standing in my own little space towards the back, avoiding talking to anyone, was somehow pulled into the conversation, "Hey London," Lillian called.

I turned around, "Yeah," I said. Most of us were still drying off, including me.

"So, you're dating that new guy?" she said.

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