Vacation Day Zero Going On One (Edited)

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At the dinner table we all sat looking at each other, but there was barely any looking going on, considering we were all cracking up so hard. Each person in the group had their turn to say something humorous, or start a new topic (which would usually result in a funny follow through). Though no one was aware of when their time would came, the conversation just seemed to always flow just right for you to add something.

"And that was when he tried to use his bike to put out the fire!" Peter laughed.

"Come on Dad, I was trying to burn the bike because it was the wrong one," Ted added in.

I laughed at the two as I cleared the remains of meatloaf and mash potatoes still on my plate. Purple-blue icing met my face as I bent down. On the counter sat a highly decorated cake reading "Hey Hey Hawa ey" in blue letters. Electricity shot me like a true force of gravity. From the top of my spine to the bottom of my feet, and out to the floors. Luckily the person I wanted to talk to walked over to the trash can as well.

"You said out of town," I huffed.

"Isn't Hawaii out of town?" He said.

"Oh no, I can't accept this anymore," I anxiously said shaking my head, convinced that I was going to walk out.

"Come on, you've made it this far you can't just walk away now."

"Those tickets will kick you guys in the butt."

"So you don't think we can pay?"

"No not like that. It's just, I feel weird letting your family spend all that money on me."

He walked closer and whispered in my ear.

"To be completely honest my mom's sort of using you to get the extra rewards on the credit card."

I laughed along with him, "Really?"

His parents had been looking at us for a while. But it wasn't until then our eyes met. More laughter filled the kitchen, coming from all around. Ted brought the cake over and his mom cut it into perfect pieces.

Soon after we were finished, I helped Diane with the dishes, which she refused. Leading me to feel like a pampered BHB, Beverly Hills Blonde. While I had the blonde part down, and had enough money for the Hills part, my dad saved our money with his life as the guard. So I wasn't new to working or going without. In fact not working sometimes felt weird.

"Okay you guys it's bedtime, we've got to be out of here by five in the morning," Peter said.

We all responded with an okay, in a one after the other pattern, sounding like a trained choir singing a cannon. I picked up a shawl from the hallway closet upstairs and walked back to the living room, only to see Ted already there.

"We can't sleep in the same room again," he smiled, "and I've already gotten comfortable."

I frowned comedicly. I had too little energy left to go back up the stairs, and I knew he could have gotten up. He shrugged with a smile. I rolled my eyes and dragged my limp body up the stairs. I looked up at the ceiling, and thought about the trip. Vacation Day Zero Going On One, was now over.


"Get up, get up, get up, get up!" Peter said hitting a pot with a metal spoon through the house.

I groaned as I turned over in the bed, hitting my forehead in frustration. Waking up earlier than you wake up to go to school I believed to be a product of torture in the earlier days of the world.

"I'm getting up," I moaned like I frequently did to my alarm clock. Unfortunately I was not the first to shower, so I had to wait for not only Ted, but Peter as well. I guess they didn't believe in ladies first. I laid my clothes out on the back of the toilet and hopped in the shower quickly getting cleansed.

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