Like This (Edited)

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People were outside with no shirts despite the wind. It wasn't too cold, but still cold enough to wear a T-shirt at least. We walked down the hill. At least I did. Some of the group were running full throttle. As they arrived they greeted their friends and did whatever welcome they felt suited for each partnership.

My only friend, Scarlett, was probably texting Zach on her bed listening to Drake, so I was a loner if you didn't count Ted.

"Hey Ted!" A boy said.

"Tom," Ted said emphasizing the sounds of his name, "how's it going,"

"Alright," Tom said, "Who's this?"

"I'm London," I said not really sure to speak to him considering I didn't know him, and some other unknown logic behind myself.

"Ohhh," he said, "You're in Ms. Frankford 6th period right?"

"Yeah," I said.

He shook his head as if he were approving my application of talking.

"Well London, mi casa es su casa."

Good welcome. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad. The door opened up, and I could finally hear the ruffled music that I had been listening to as we had talked. And when I did, I almost laughed. The DJ was playing Barbie Girl.

"Well, the DJ sure knows how to make a birthday playlist," I joked with Ted.

"Tell me about it," He said.

Deciding that the song didn't require my attention, I turned my focus to the home. People were everywhere. From different schools, different states probably, and maybe different countries. I was out of element. No one was a familiar face; just a crowd of foreign. Streamers and clothes entertained the floors as a guy spilled a can of beer. Underage drinking, highly expected.

From the chandelier bras were oddly hung by their straps as if someone purposely put them up there. Beach balls and cups dotted the steps like Dalmatian spots, while people literally did the cliché teen party game of surfing the stairs on some type of board. Today's board choice was surf boards. A blonde headed girl for a change was surfing like Surfer Girl, into the kitchen where I heard a crash not long after.

"Okay, this is definitely a punch song want any?" Ted said.

"Sure," I said.

He began to leave.

"Don't leave me here by myself," I said.

I couldn't be left alone in such a hostile environment for a unknown girl like me.

"That is how you meet friends," Ted said.

"Yeah, but I know no one here," I said.

"London, they're people, talk."


I made a funny serious face. I laughed.

"Alright like I thought," he said with The Grin.


He was gone into the kitchen. I put my hands in my pockets and breezed around hugging the wall. The DJ had finally played a good song being Dark Horse by Katy Perry. I looked at the photos of the Tom kid's family. Nearing the living room I watched as the pictures of the kids and family members grew up, while the older ones faded out. A very lovely organization that I had never thought of. Someone was a pattern maker or makess. Even the plants were in a color pattern. I had wondered into the living room.

"Come on get out of the way!" Someone screamed.

My nerves caught themselves while going insane. I had walked in front of some guys' Xbox 360 game.

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