Chapter Seven

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(Hello, it amazes me this story has so many views. Like 47 views, daaaang. And don't get me started on the 200+ on some chapters. Sure not all of them may have actually read it but thank you T^T, I will start updating more. I'm not working as much and my family has officially finished moving finally -3- So with that please enjoy. I love these boys and I do intend to finish this story, I have much in store for you all.)

Keith P.O.V.

The longer I stayed with Lance, the harder it became to think about leaving. My sense of duty seemed to vanish when I was with him. It became just us. There was no worrying about everything that I could be doing. There was worrying about losing precious time I could be spending with him. Lance McClain was simply a man you cherished, there weren't many like him. Kind and patient enough to care for me.

By the end of my month, I was helping him cook in the kitchen. It was a small farmhouse kitchen with cheap tiled counters and yellow sunshine cabinets that matched the old lady wallpaper that showcased pink roses accompanied by lime green companions. It was a cramped space, but it was big enough for the two of us.

I knew our peaceful time together wouldn't last long. My wounds had healed and it was time for me to return to my duty and help the universe. But, as I looked at Lance as he stood over the stove, cooking a meal for the two of us, I wondered if my duty was out there or if it was here.

"You look glum, what's with the long face?" His blue eyes were like splashing pools in the springtime from my childhood. The purity and innocence he was able to contain within him astounded me.

"Nothing much," his adoring smile lifted the corners of my lips to return it to him. How could I ever have left him, he was everything I wanted and needed, and so so much more. Without so much as a call, I lived without him. Without that soothing voice that I loved so much. I had been so selfish to think that I could keep myself from him. He deserves more, and I need to become the man that fits that.

"Nothing much? Excuse me, I have been slaving all day to make you a meal." He crossed his arms like a sassy housewife. I'd always admired how in touch he was with his femininity, and how unashamed he was about it. "Now go set the table so we can eat." He smiled with a slight smirk as he pulled out some crisped chicken.

I laughed a little at how silly he could be set the table for the two of us. Fifi, his cat, purred at my feet and rubbed against my leg, letting her tail linger as she meowed up at me. Looking down at her I just nodded and went to the pantry to get her dry food. Routinely I poured her food, higher than Lance told me as a little treat, and put a finger over my lips as a sign not to tell.

"Excuse me mister I heard that?" I shot up back to my feet.

"You heard what?" Seriously, did this guy have bionic hearing or something?

"You overfilled her bowl Mr. Kogane," Lance popped his head around the corner to see the last of Fifi's extra food become devoured. Little pink dotted my cheeks at the sound of my last name being called out.

"Pfft, I don't know what you're talking about," my lips pursed and I knew it was a dead giveaway, but really there was no use even trying to lie to Lance. He always knew.

"Mhmm," his smile was mischievous as he looked back at me. His face made so many different expressions, and it was only when I thought I had memorized them all that I would find out I was wrong. "Now come eat," he pulled my hand softly towards the dinner table I had set and sat down as he let go of my hand, prompting me to sit down with him.

He gave me a quick warning look before he closed his eyes and pressed his hands together and began praying quietly to himself. I followed suit, I knew by now that we prayed before every meal, he did this in the castle too. I never knew what to say. But I always said, "amen," as Lance did to sort of piggyback off him. I wasn't a huge believer, but if it was true, might as well give it a shot to make it to heaven. Better safe than sorry right?

Our forks scraped empty plates as we finished our food. It was a long day on the farm. By now I was devouring every meal at the end of the day. I used to working my muscles every day, but it was different to work in the sun all day. The heat was almost unbearable. My skin wasn't as absorbent as Lance's so I drowned in sunscreen constantly and refused not to wear a sun hat when I knew we would be working in the fields. Lance called me Dracula, but it's not a crime to protect your skin.

As we tag-teamed the dishes, talking about random things from the day I decided it was time to talk about what we actually needed to talk about. "I'm just saying, the chickens wouldn't chase you if you just dropped the birdseed." He laughed, but it slowly stopped as he sensed my anxiety overflowing. "Okay Keith, spill, what's bothering you?"

"It's about me having to go back," he took a deep breath and looked into my eyes. I couldn't read what they were telling me. "My wounds are healed and my muscles can handle going back to the blades now. I think it's time I head back to space." Lance inhaled a deep breath and looked down into the sink. I knew he didn't want me to leave, and this wasn't a conversation I wanted to be having.

"I understand," he sounded sad, I didn't want him to be sad.

I put my hands on his shoulders and had him look into my eyes. "Listen, this isn't going to be like last time. I'm going to call you as much as I can." The look on his face said that he was worried I was lying, and I couldn't blame him. I had a lot to live up, and make up for due to my past actions.

"And when will I get to see you again?" His lip quivered. There was no sign of tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"As soon as I can," Lance looked back away from me. My answer wasn't enough. "Lance-"

"What is as soon as you can? Two more years? Am I just supposed to wait for you Keith?" He wasn't as hurt as when I first showed up on his doorstep, but there was a lack of trust. I may have remained by his side for a month, but there wasn't much I could prove while being bedridden.

"I'm not sure Lance," I wasn't sure that i could say anything that would be what he wanted to hear, and i wasn't about to lie to him. "People need me, they need someone that knows what they're doing. But I also know," softly I took his hands into him and looked at him, as he looked away from me, "I can't not have you in my life anymore." This was hard. "Lance, Those years I was gone, I thought I would never be able to be close to you again, that I had messed everything up and I wasn't enough to have someone as amazing as you. But please, believe me. I'm going to try better." All I had were my words. For now they remained empty promises.

Slowly he met my eyes again. His eyes were fierce, "I believe you, don't let me down." I sighed softly knowing I had his trust. For now. It was something I was going to have to work for if I ever wanted to have in my life permanently. Especially if I wanted to be his significant other. And hopefully. His husband.


The next morning I was gone. We slept in the same bed for the last time. Then in the morning after a quiet breakfast, I loaded my pod, gifted from the Garrison.

"Please come back to me," Lance wrapped his arms around my neck tightly and I held onto his waist and took in the last of him I would get. His smell, his touch, his voice.

"I couldn't stay away from you if I tried," which was the truth. I tried for two years and it still had me coming to him as the only person I truly trust. 

Softly he kissed me cheek. The small token of affection made my heart leap in bounds. Even though he had to be stern with me, I knew he truly cared he was showing me that he had to be worked for. Rightfully so. 

I didn't want to let go of him. But I had to.

Saying goodbye was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I wasn't sure if I had it in me to fight my thoughts of seclusion, but I didn't want to be seperated from him anymore. So I had hope. And I loved him.

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