Chapter Twelve

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(HAHAHA so much for not disappearing anymore. Life is hard man. And I was getting stuck with the story. But I hope these chapters are worth it. I'm surprised anyone is still reading anymore. But for those that are. Thank you for waiting :)

Lance POV
It took six hours to arrive to the ship by foot. Every step was a march towards death. Their ship was of the same design of the one we witnessed when crossing realities. Future altean technology that was never able to advance in this reality without the extra ten thousand years the alteans were able to live together and further their knowledge.

It was cold in my cell. They took my possessions. Stripping me naked and leaving me with nothing but filthy rags of a shirt and pants. Not even the decency to give me underwear. I'd been through worse, but when they separated me and my sister I could bare to think of what they were doing to her.

The world became soundless in my cell. I couldn't hear a thing, until the sounds of my body were enough to drive me insane. Ever breath, every heartbeat, every muscle, I could hear. No one tells you how maddening that is. Your mind starts to create sound for you. It's enough to drive anyone mad. Enough to drive me mad. I felt mad.

Keith POV

My rash decisions left me in space. Stranded. No food. No water. No matter amount of words click express my anger and distress. I pounded on the now functionless keys of the dashboard. "FUCK!" Tears threatened to spill from my eyes. Refusing to let them take over I sniffled and hugged my knees to my chest wondering what Lance would do in my situation. He was always calmer than I was.

It seemed vargas upon vargas had gone by when in reality it must have only been a number of doboshes. Taking a deep breath I reached for my communicator that was on a few more minutes of life. There was no telling if I'd be able to reach anyone. No Lion was close to enough to rescue me. I was lost in space.

Until it became to vibrate. With my hand shaking I picked up the communicator and answered. "Hello..?"

"Keith?" The voice was almost unfamiliar. It belonged to someone thats body had finally caught up to the maturing they had done.

A smile spread along my face. "Pidge. Is that you?"

"Glad to see someone's not dead." A small chuckle came from their line. "Where are you? We kind of need you here on Earth." They sounded in pain.

"I'm stranded in space right now. Lance sounded like he was going to give himself over so I acted impulsively and launched a pod to Earth. But you know pods-" they quickly interrupted me.

Pidge didn't sound very happy with me. "You're stranded aren't you?" Not very happy at all. I was just lucky I couldn't see the daggers they would have been giving me.

"Yes. I am." I sighed. "Are you with Lance?"

I waited with baited breath. "No, I'm with Matt. We're looking for my partner right now. I had assumed you knew where Lance was."

"No, I don't know where Lance is," my breath hitched. Tears were threatening to spill at any moment. "I'm so scared Pidge... I just got him back. I need him. I don't think he needs me, but I need him Pidge... I fucking need him." I hated how weak I sounded, but if there was anyone right now I didn't mind crying in front of, it was Pidge. They were like a sibling to me.

"Keith. Calm down. Lance is stronger than he looks. Not to mention he's not the scrawny Cuban boy he used to be." Pidge had managed to make us both laugh a little under our breaths. The kind that relieved tension when you really needed it.

"How much life do you have left on your communicator?" Fuck, I had forgotten it was in a low battery. I lifted the phone from my cheek to see the icon for battery. Fuckfuckfuckfuck.

"One percent."

"God damn it Keith." There was a heavy sigh from them. "Just stay put and alive. I'll send someone for you. Send me your coordinates before it dies. Don't answer me. Just do it." They hung before I could say thank you. Pidge was and is probably the only person younger than me that I have ever let boss me around like that. Because at the end of the day, I was truly grateful for them. (And they would let me talk back the same way so it all evened out)

Pidge POV

"Who were you calling?"

"Keith." I sighed as Matt and I continued to walk through the rubble scanning for any remaining life. The bombs near the garrison were a result of our refusal to give them Earth's technology. It wasn't clear yet how much they'd stolen.

"Is he here?" Matt kept scanning the rubble as he waved our arms attempting not to cough.

"No. The dumbass got stuck in space on his way to see Lance." I started dialing again. "Now I've gotta save both of their asses." Seriously, what was with those two motherfuckers always getting in trouble.


"Hunk. Great. Imma need you to do something for me." There was the mess of a kitchen behind him. The clanking of metal and the shouting of orders.

"Anything. Is everything alright?" Always. A kindness in his voice.

I took a deep breath knowing I was about to be asking for fucking favor. "I need you to leave and go to the coordinates I'm about to send you. You're going to need to save the punk's ass and come to Earth. If you don't know already. It was attacked." It silent in both ends. All I could hear was the knives and shouting. "And they have Lance. Those motherfuckers from the reality we went to years ago. The ones with slaves. And they-" my voice was actually starting to break. I was going to cry again. "They attacked us.." I leaned against Matt as my leg continued to give out.

"Say no more. I'll be there." He hung up with sounds of hurried breath. 

With the pain in my legs worsening I looked to the sky. It was still blue. For how much longer. I wasn't sure.

(Thank you for reading!! Now that I know where the story is going I'm HOPING it won't take so long to write. Don't know when this will ever be done but I hope it's making sense end my writing isn't terrible. :))
(More Klance scenes soon, I want a good story along with with it, can't be rushing it)

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