Chapter Two

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Lance P.O.V.

The last thing I expected when I woke up that morning was to find Keith Kogane dying in my barn.

It was five-thirty in the morning and the sun was rising. I opened the door to get eggs for breakfast. The bucket clattered to the ground and startled the animals. 

"Keith...?" My voice was caught in my throat. I was frozen. I hadn't seen him in two years since he went back to space to help the Blades. I wanted to move but I was in shock. It felt like hours of watching him lying there bleeding. In reality, it was only seconds. 

I rushed to his side and my shaking hands hovered above his face. I'd seen him hurt before. But I knew he was dying this time. I took a deep breath so I could pull out my phone and call my sister. "Veronica???"

I could tell I had woken her up by the way her voice sounded. "Lance? What is it?"

"Kieth is badly hurt and suddenly collapsed! Prep for treatment and call a doctor!" I didn't wait for her to respond. I hung up and started to see what I was dealing with. The major wound was on his left abdomen, and it was bleeding, still. It looked like it had opened further since the original impact. I moved the hay apart and saw it was seeping with more of his red blood. 

What happened to you? How did you get all these wounds..?

Panicking, I started racking my brain on how I was going to save him. Because there was no way in hell I was losing him. I was suddenly reminded of the time Allura brought me back to life. It was true I had been experiencing a weird phenomenon where I was surged with a power that could heal. But I had only ever repaired a scrape on the animals or a sore joint. 

Will a wound this deep even close? No, I've got to try...

I took a deep breath and placed my hands over his wounds. I had to at least try. Keith was worth saving, even it meant it hurt me in the process.

Allura, lend me your power...

I could feel the energy pulsating through me. It was like giving away my own life force. I had to focus on wanting his wounds to be healed. Slowly I could feel the reassurance that his life force was coming back. 

I didn't dare open my eyes. In fear that if I did, it wouldn't be true.

I felt the energy going away and I opened my eyes to see the last of the blue light fade into his skin. My head felt full and heavy. 

Veronica please. Don't let me done. You never have, don't start now...

And with that, I blacked out.

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