Chapter Ten

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(Author's Note: feel free to skip. Damn, I'm so sorry. Life has been incredibly busy. I started college and work about 30 hours a week now. I'm currently working on going into the art industry, so expect a new cover soon. I miss my boys and this chapter was written back in August all ready to go. I'm hoping to finally post chapters frequently. AT LEAST once a month. Enjoy! If anyone's still there)

Keith POV

My heart stopped. My home. My lover. They were in danger, and I wasn't there to protect them. "They're there?!" I couldn't hide the panic in my voice. There was no hiding it.

It was dead quiet over the phone. If I hadn't been talking to him seconds earlier I would have thought he was dead. "Keith," he whispered. "I can't do this.. I-" his voice was breaking, and it shook.

"Lance, remain calm. Panicking will only create a bigger scene and attract more attention. I'll have our info brokers get information an-"

"It's me they want Keith," he cut me off. His voice calm and collected now. I bet he was putting on his hero mask. I loved and hated it about him. I loved that he was so strong, but hated that he felt he had to put it on.

"Lance! Under NO circumstance are you going to turn yourself in!" I wasn't thinking, I was only feeling emotion as I thought about himself turning himself in. The torture they may put him through. The trauma he would have to experience. "We don't know what they want with you and there's no way you're going to endure that for the entire universe!"

"And why not? Why not Keith? You said it yourself, it takes great sacrifice to win a war." He whispered fiercely, as if he was yelling back at me. "The universe endured war for ten thousand years. If I have the-"

"Lance. Think about it. They've enslaved ENTIRE planets, galaxies, and realities. If they get whatever they want from you. They could be unstoppable. Even for Voltron.." It was quiet. I think I had upset him. I wasn't sure. But the line disconnected.

Lance POV

Footsteps stomped above us. Rachel's breath hitched and I covered her mouth as I turned off the phone. We held our breath. Our hearts pounding. I prayed with everything in me for them to leave, to never find us.

I guess I didn't pray hard enough.

The ground fell as hard as my stomach did. Rachel's scream ringed in my ear as the light pierced into the cellar, blinding my eyes. Standing above us was a monstrous alien, big and muscular with fists the size of small human babies. The creature's eyes were lifeless, and behind him stood two alteans. No, not real alteans. Fake alteans. Imposters. Real alteans would never think what they were doing was okay.

"Looks like we found some smart ones." The appearing male altean spoke with a ring of antagonizing authority.

"It's him Lucious." The appearing female was much different than the flirtatious tone of the male. She sounded strict and heartless. As if life was just a number you could check off on a kill list. "It's the last alteania alive."

The male jumped with ease before us. Rachel still hiding in my shoulder as I propped myself on my elbows. Looking him in the eyes. His beautiful purple eyes. One's that resembled Allura's all too well. "You're a cutie aren't you~? And you seem to be a gentleman, holding onto a woman like that." He leaned close to me. His face so close to mine if I moved any closer we would kiss.

"She's my sister." My words tasted bitter. I hated this. All of it.

"Hmmm," he leaned back, standing tall. Looking at him, it was terrifying how strikingly he resembled Allura. He had long white hair held in one of the strict military buns. But just like hers, it was too thick to not hold the callic. His skin, was like hers. Looking at him sent shivers down my spine, because while he may have looked like her, he was nothing like her. Allura had been kind, and her smile had been pure. Violence hid behind this man's eyes. A lust for it. "I suppose we'll let her live. Come with us and I promise your, sister, will be taken care of accordingly."

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