Chapter Fourteen

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Lance POV

"You want me to be your Prince..?"

My heart felt heavy. Allura was a Princess and they wanted me to be a Prince. Behaving like a prisoner with no real authority. I doubt I would have any. I would just be a face in the these false Altean's plans of universal domination. Bringing false peace everywhere they went. Could I really pretend to be there Prince and help enslave so many people.

She looked down at me. Still glaring with her blue eyes. "Thats what I'd prefer. Of course. You would be guarded 24.7, and you would address the people whenever we ask. Do everything we ask. And if you refuse. We'll kill you. Or your sister."

Shit. That was right. They had Rachel.

Keith POV

All hope was lost. I was never getting out of deep space. I'd die here. Alone. Letting the entire universe down. But more importantly. My entire universe down.

That was until it wasn't. 

Before my very eyes was a transport ship, and its loading dock was extending outwards towards the door of my tiny flighter. Wiping my tears and calming my breath I stood at the door waiting for my rescuer. No doubt I would owe pidge a giant favor.

The door unlocked as the extended loading dock was in place. As the door opened my tiny spaced filled with fresh oxygen. Dropping to my knees I gasped as I hadn't realized how light headed I had gotten.

"Keith?!" Bending down next to me I felt a familiar kind hand place on my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"I am now," smiling I looked up at Hunk.

Lifting my up with an arm around my waist and my own around his shoulder he helped me onto his ship. "Long time no see," laughing nervously I hoped there was no hard feelings over my long disappearance. Not to say Hunk hadn't been busy on his own. Running his own food kingdom. The true Gordon Ramsey of the universe.

"Yeah," to my relief he laughed as we entered his ship, leaving mine behind for the time being. We were needed more on Earth than as good people of the universe that didn't leave random ships lying around.

It was a little awkward as he sat me in a seat and we looked at each other for a moment. We were both older now. Two years seemed to age you a lot after eighteen.

"Are you hurt?"

"Not really. I just need a moment." Hunk nodded and he closed the dispatch connecting our ships. Leaning my head back I closed my eyes and took some deep breaths. Feeling my body relax with the new flow of oxygen.

Moments ago everything had felt hopeless. Now all that mattered was getting back to Earth. As the ship roared to life I felt a surge of impatience to see Lance. Or at least know that he was safe. But if he was captured like I thought he was, trying to call him could put him in more danger. The safest bet would be getting to Earth and finding him the hard way.

"Thank you Hunk, I mean it." I was trying to be sincere, but I didn't know if it was working.

I think it did, because he looked back at me with a smile. "Anytime Keith."

We took more moments of silence. Gathering our thoughts and preparing for what was coming. There was no doubt we would need Voltron. And I'm sure we both knew who we needed to call next.

Using the ships communication system we zipped through space, getting closer and closer to earth with each passing tik, Coran was put on the line. "Coran, we need-"

He cut me off, "voltron. Already on it! Pidge called not long ago, I'm currently on my way to the red Lion, I have two so far. But I'm not sure how much altean energy I'll have for the wormhole jumps!" There was real worry in his voice. I didn't hear it often with how energetic the old man was.

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