Chapter Six

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Lance P.O.V.

I slept in his room that night. It was nice, not having to sleep alone. The last person I had slept with was my sister. Maybe it was time to give her a call. Keith was still asleep when I woke up, so I kissed his cheek and left the room to make breakfast in the kitchen. My house was small. I lived alone in a two-bedroom. Keith was staying in the guest room while he recovered. My room was down the hall. Both rooms were small and had yellow painted walls with this old floral sheeting that had been here when I bought the house. The kitchen was nice, which was good for me because I liked to cook to take my mind off things. Not to say that I was good at it.

"Lance!" Rachel practically blew out my eardrum when she picked up. "It's about time you called! Veronica told me Keith is staying with you. Why didn't you tell me?" I smiled and put her on speaker while I cracked some eggs into a pan.

"Things were." I paused. "Complicated."

"Complicated how?" I could tell she was genuinely confused. For being my twin sister, sometimes I had to spell things out for her.

"Well, he's left me twice now. And he showed up here dying. Not to mention that I confessed to him, and we kissed. And last night things seemed to be normal between us finally. I thi-"

"HOLD THE PHONE," she interrupted. "You two kissed?! And he was dying?! AND THINGS ARE NORMAL NOW?! Explain." I could tell she was pouting from over the phone.

"Okay, he showed up here to tell me that another cross-dimensional ship came into our reality. But he got hurt on the way here and was dying in the barn when I found him. We got him treated in time, and well. Things escalated. He was telling me he was sorry for everything, and I was telling him how much he had hurt me. Then I was confessing to his stupid face because he wasn't getting it. THEN he just kissed me. And Rachel. It was amazing. I've never felt anything like it. I mean I've had good kisses before. But this was. He was passionate, he really wanted to be kissing me and I could feel it."

I could sense her smiling over the phone. "It's about time you had a good kiss. I'm not gonna lie. Allura was great and all, but she never seemed passionate over you. Or madly in love. And I've seen passion in Keith's eyes when he's looked at you." 

"Then why did it take so long?" I couldn't hide the pain from my voice from her.

"Because you were both idiots. And you both needed time to figure your shit out." I nodded, agreeing with her. 

"Yeah, I guess your right."

"Of course I'm right!" I laughed at her arrogance and she laughed with me. "So, what now?"

"Well, I told him we couldn't be together until he proves to me I came over his work, and that I could trust him again."

"Good, you're sticking up for yourself. But Lance," she paused.


"Have some faith in him? But not at the cost of you settling. You deserve nothing but the best. And don't you forget that." We laughed again. It felt good to laugh. 

"I gotta go, breakfast is done and the soldiers gotta eat." I took the last of the eggs and bacon off the stove.

"Alright, I love you!"

"Love you too," I smiled and hung up as I set the dirty pans in the sink for later. The toast popped out and I buttered each piece. Then made two sandwiches. One for me, one for Keith. Now that he could someone walk he should be able to handle more than soup. And there was nothing better than a good breakfast sandwich with scrambled eggs, bacon, and cheese on buttered toast.

Thankfully I still had a breakfast tray for an eat-in bed. I placed his plate on the small tray with a glass of orange juice and some napkins. Then I placed mine on the other side so we could eat together. I guess you could say I was excited to surprise him with breakfast in bed, because I couldn't stop smiling.

I made my way to his room and gently opened the door and set the tray on the dresser while I opened the curtains for the sun to shine through. "Good morning." I smiled and crawled over to him to kiss his cheek and move the hair out of his face.

He was so beautiful in the morning sunlight. Time had aged him well. It was hard not to look at his lips and long to kiss him. But, that would go against my own rules.

Slowly he woke up and looked at me. "It's about time sleeping beauty," I smiled. He smiled back at me.

"Morning," I could tell he was still groggy. It was hard for him, but he sat up. We sat smiling at each other. Just glad to be together again. 

"I made breakfast." I got up and grabbed the tray, bringing it to the bed and setting it to the side of him.

"You already made breakfast?" He looked surprised. "What happened to your beauty sleep," his tease made me blush.

"I'm a farmer now, I get up with the sun." Keith laughed a little, which made me laugh. "Now eat, you need some real food." Slowly he took the first bite and smiled. I took it as a sign he liked it, and picked up my own sandwich, and started eating.

We ate in silence. Although it wasn't really quiet. You could hear the birds singing and the animals on the farm. Animals from cows to my cat. 

"Do I hear a cat?" Keith asked and pulled my lips into a smile. She was meowing to be let inside.

"Yes, she's had to stay outside so she wouldn't jump on you."

"She's just cat," he laughed and it made me blush. 

"Well, she's kinda fat okay?? But don't tell her that, it hurts her feelings." He laughed again.

"I promise I won't call her fat." He smiled and continued eating. But I was already done.

"That reminds me, where's Kosmos?" His smile faded. It made my heart sink. I knew how much he loved his space wolf.

Kieth took a deep breath. "He's on planet Pullox with my mom." He looked at me with pouty eyes, "I miss him so much."

(-_-) I punched his shoulder, "I thought he died!" 

"Ow! I miss him okay!" He rubbed his shoulder, then suddenly we both started laughing again. I had missed his laugh. The last time I had seen him, he didn't laugh all that often. He seemed. Sad. "I missed you." He smiled.

"I missed you too."

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