Chapter Nine

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Lance POV

(23:53 Twelve Hours After Invasion)

"What do you want from me?" I hated the plead in my voice. Once I had been a renowned paladin of Voltron, but now I was only a lowly farmer with no authority. The only thing I had that made me special at this point was the Altean blood running through my veins. Not just any Altean blood. But the Altean blood of royalty.

"You know exactly what we want from you." She knelt down in front of me and stared into my soul with her cold blue eyes. While Allura's had held so much life, all her's held were empty desperation.

I had a strong idea as to why I was there. I wasn't a total idiot.

"I don't know what you're talking about ma'lady," I smirked and played dumb with her. She punched me hard in the mouth in response. Blood spilling onto the cold floor.

"Play dumb with me one more time and I'll kill you to get what I want." Although I trembled with fear on the inside and screamed in agony over my bleeding mouth. I knew I had to play strong in order to survive. If she knew I was this fragile she'd use it to her advantage.

"You want my blood." I said it as a statement, there was no doubt in my mind that I was wrong. And the look on her face confirmed it.


(11:27 Start of Invasion)

"You miss him, just admit it already." Rachel was by my side as I smelled the purple juniberry flowers. They were in full bloom and posed as a good diversion from her questions about Keith.

"Of course I miss him. I'm in love with him." I smiled, it was nice to not hide things from my sister. Myself included.

Rachel smiled and knelt down next to me to take in the flowers. I think she knew I was thinking about Allura and how much I had loved her. I had loved her. Though our story was cut short by her sacrifice for the universe. She taught me how to be committed to someone, and how to use my passions to make the world a better place. She was truly someone that inspired me.

"You miss her too don't you?" I nodded, she laid her head on my shoulder. "Your love with Allura was different than it is with Keith, isn't it?"

"It was. Our love was more fragile and new. Everything sort of coming together in the heat of a war. I was younger then. And she was my first real love. But with Keith," I smiled, "everything is so passionate and feels so drawn out. Like I've known him my whole life," I paused. "Like I've loved him my whole life."

Rachel nodded and looked out into the sky. "I think so too. I'm sorry I was so mean about your relationship with Allura. I was just bitter that she left you hanging. She left my beautiful adoring brother in such pain. I think I resented her for that." She looked back at me. We shared a moment where we just looked into each other's eyes. Almost as if we were both reliving our entire childhood as twins. Wondering where the time had gone.

I looked back out into the open sky. Wondering what Keith was up to. He'd only been gone about 54 hours. Three days. He hadn't called like he promised. But I assumed that whatever it was was serious. He had been talking about an alternate reality spaceship that came into our universe after all. It was a pretty big deal. I started to wonder if I should have gone with him.

While he hasn't called, he had sent me messages. Short and sweet. But they did remind me that I was in his heart.

The first night he had sent, "I've made it to Pollux safely. Krolia and Kosmo sure missed me. I miss you already."

The second night he sent, "I miss you Lance."

When I responded back the conversation didn't continue. But at least I knew he was alive and safe while I waited for a text the following evening. One that I never got.

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