Chapter Three

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Keith P.O.V.

My eyes opened seconds after they had closed. No time seemed to pass in between. It had never happened to me and my body tensed as my eyes jolted open. 

"Are you awake?" My hearing was still ringing. And my eyes were adjusting to the sudden brightness. "Although we were able to get you treated quickly, you shouldn't move just yet. Lance healed most of your wounds. I'm the only one who knew he started having this mysterious power..." Veronica? I hadn't seen her in years either.

I couldn't believe it. I was alive. And Lance had healed me? Was it because he was altean? It must be. Allura could do it. But couldn't bring people back to life, or could she?

I slowly looked over to see the shining sun. There he was. Lying almost lifeless. But he was breathing, it was slow, but he was alive. I hadn't seen him in years. Lance. God, I didn't realize how much I had missed him since that moment. 

I couldn't deny the fact that I'd had feelings for him. But back then, I had lost so many people, it seemed pointless to attempt a relationship with him. Or to allow myself to accept the possibility that we could be something. I hated it when Allura showed interest in him. It didn't take a genius to know that her feelings seemed to come from nowhere. Regardless I had to respect his decisions. Besides, I was partially to blame, I had pushed him away.

So when she died, I went back to space. It seemed like the right decision at the time. Lance was still feeling the pain from losing her. I thought it was best to put space between us, literally. Maybe I was just being selfish. Only concerned with protecting my fragile feelings. I had lost my Dad, my Mom, Shiro, friends in the Blades, and Adam. I hid those feelings well. I might not have been his ex-fiance like Shiro, but Adam was there for me too. After Shiro died, he put space between us. Probably because I reminded him of Shiro. I never got the chance to say goodbye to him. 

"What are you doing?" Veronica stood in a panic as I started to sit up.

"Getting up." Obviously.

"Oh hell no." She pushed me back down.


"No." She was stern and looked at me with cold dead eyes. Veronica was terrifying. I looked over at Lance, as if he would wake up and defend me. Yet, I bet he would just back her up.

"Fine." I laid back down with a wince. 

"There you go," she smiled. Her eyes changing. "What are you doing here Kieth?" She asked me softly, like she actually cared about me.

"I have information for Lance," Veronica took a deep breath as I spoke. She looked deep into my eyes and made sure I was looking back.

"You can't keep coming in and out of his life Keith. It hurts him more every time." I was speechless. I hadn't expected that. "He misses you Keith."

"I, I know. I do too. I just-"

"You just what Keith? Think you can walk all over him?" Her eyes weren't soft anymore. It was obvious she didn't like my answer.

"What? No! I- Veronica, it's not like that!" My heart was pounding and my eyes were tearing up. How dare she accuse me of trying to hurt Lance. 

"Then what is it like Keith?" She was calm, but her eyes held serious anger.

I took a deep breath, trying not to cry. I didn't like to cry. It stung, and it took me a minute to answer. "I've lost people Veronica. Good people. And I wanted the war to end so I didn't have to lose more good people. I was going to tell him how I felt, but, he chose Allura. And then she died, and. I thought he should have some space." I looked away from her. "I'm not good for him. I make stupid decisions and I'm always so angry. And all these people need me.."

"Lance needs you." I looked at her. She looked at me with this fierce stare, and I knew she was telling the truth. I looked over at Lance with tears in my eyes. I had never meant to hurt him. Just protect him from me. 

And maybe, protect myself too. I had all these walls up. Maybe it was time to tear some of them down.

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