Chapter Thirteen

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Keith POV

With nothing but time I sat and contemplated not keeping the battle ships from the days when the blades had down battle and war. Granted I stood for peace and there was no need for it, I sure as hell wouldn't have been in the mess that I was in.

Who could have guessed that the universe would be in danger again? While I had been scared this would happen, I didn't want to focus on war anymore. The years I spent fighting, and the people I lost. I couldn't do it anymore.

My body began to shake as i remembered the faces of my friends that I couldn't save. The lives lost. Civilians. Blades. Innocent galran soldiers that only did as they were told to survive. How many more lives would be lost on Earth? What new memorials were going to be built? Could another ten thousand years of war and insanity be coming?

Even as I gripped my hair panting, nothing I did could release the intense emotions and thoughts I was left with. Screaming in the middle of space where no one could hear me. If Pidge couldn't send someone soon I'd run out of oxygen.

I'd let Lance down.. again...

And for good this time. If I died here because of my careless actions.. no heaven or peaceful afterlife would be waiting for me. I wouldn't deserve it.

Lance POV

There was no telling how much time had passed. All I had was the sound of my heartbeat and other vital organs going about their daily processes. Muttering to myself was the only thing keeping me sane. Talking as though Rachel was with me so I wouldn't go insane wondering what they were doing to her.

It wasn't until those heavy electronic doors slid open did I finally hear something new.

Almost immediately I was left with the insanity as Luscious looked at me looking his lips before he personally grabbed me by my hair. It was difficult not to scream. And I did. Like a little girl. (Let's not talk about that)

"You'll regret this!!" Empty threats. I was without a bayard and scared shitless. There wasn't much I COULD do. By the looks of it, I would be up against some superalien with advanced abilities.

Their ship was Altean, but the white might as well have been smeared with blood.

Flashes of my time in the castle lions came back to me. Both the good and the bad. It was PTSD I hadn't woken up ready to handle. Instead, I closed my eyes and focused on the physical pain, which in turn, caused more verbal screaming.

"By the sound of it, I doubt that," he smirked and gave that manic laugh that still made my stomach churn.

The ship was quiet, and we didn't pass anyone. Until another set of doors opens and the bridge was filled with followers. They filed out as Luscious threw me onto the cold metal ground.

If I wanted even a little of my dignity I'd need to pick myself up and face who was in front of me.

The atmosphere of the room had changed. Even Luscious was silent and stood taller. A bigger presence was before us. And as I lifted my head I was greeted by a pair of seemingly glowing blue eyes.

Slowly she stepped down the steps that held her above the sea of officers that ran the ship on the bridge. Much different than the castle of lions with its only six control panels.

Her boots rang loud in the now empty hall like room.

It meant I had to strain my neck to look up at her. She was scarily tall. Even for me.

"Hello Lance McClain." Her voice was intimidating. There was no doubt she could kill you. The way she stood in bold altean armor. Thick and curved around her body just right. A bayard by her hip. A paladin maybe? No. Not possible.

"What do you want from me?" I hated the plead in my voice. Once I had been a renowned paladin of Voltron, but now I was only a lowly farmer with no authority. The only thing I had that made me special at this point was the Altean blood running through my veins. Not just any Altean blood. But the Altean blood of royalty.

"You know exactly what we want from you." She knelt down in front of me and stared into my soul with her cold blue eyes. While Allura's had held so much life, all her's held were empty desperation.

I had a strong idea as to why I was there. I wasn't a total idiot.

"I don't know what you're talking about ma'lady," I smirked and played dumb with her. She punched me hard in the mouth in response. Blood spilling onto the cold floor.

"Play dumb with me one more time and I'll kill you to get what I want." Although I trembled with fear on the inside and screamed in agony over my bleeding mouth. I knew I had to play strong in order to survive. If she knew I was this fragile she'd use it to her advantage.

"You want my blood." I said it as a statement, there was no doubt in my mind that I was wrong. And the look on her face confirmed it.

"You have two choices here Lance. You can either give yourself over to us. Become our new Prince and stay here. Donating blood. And using your magic for our own exploration. Or, you may die, and allow us to transfer your royalty to me."

Two choices.

Two choices...

(Time to pump out some chapters. Enjoy a cliffhanger. Not too bad this time :))

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