Chapter Sixteen

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Lance POV

It was silent as I inhaled. And exhaled. The universe seemingly crying in pain for a moment as I readied myself for what was to come next.

I followed behind Luscious in new chains. Except, this was Altean technology, so they weren't really chains. More like cuffs held together through an unbreakable magnetic force.

The ship reminded me too much of the Castle of Lions as I was pushed into a wide open room. It reminded me of the hangar where we kept-

The lions.

Everything moved quickly. Lights were set up. They were blinding. Servants bustled around me. Primping me to be a perfect prince. The perfect mask. The perfect puppet.

I was beginning to feel out of my body. Like none of this was happening. Like my sisters life wasn't on the line. And the entire universes fate didn't rest on my shoulders. That millions upon millions of people weren't counting on my deception amongst the Alteans. My skin was crawling. Itching to shrivel up and die. Every ounce of my blood boiled with anger in reluctance to comply. But there was no choice.

Keith POV

Landing on Earth was hard. But Hunk and I slipped in through the opposite hemisphere of the mothership. It took another hour to get to the Garrison.  There was no telling how many had survived when it looked like a shit show. Hell. The entire fucking planet looked like a shit show.

It didn't take long to find Pidge, Matt and the other survivors. Including Pidge's new partner I hadn't been told about. I was happy to see they had a girlfriend. They deserved to be happy. Even if I didn't.

Hunk and I followed Matt, who had flagged us down due to the injury Pidge sustained in the bombing, down to the bunker they'd made their new base.

While they'd only had a few hours of work, the place was bustling with brilliant minds racing and searching for answers on how to save Earth. Listening to distress calls and calculating the distance of the mothership and patrol ship locations.

It was all too much for me. I was beginning to shut down. Being on Earth without Lance made the situation all too real. My heart felt like it was drowning in water with my lungs.

"Keith, earth to Keith!" Pidge waved their hands in front of my face like a maniac.

"Fuck, sorry." Slowly I blinked my eyes. Pidge nodded and wheeled back away from me. Their legs wrapped in make shift casts for the time being.

"It's fine," it was silent for a moment with just the two of us in what seemed like our own little bubble. "I'm worried about him too.. we all are... as soon as that message came out. I just.. I knew he would turn himself in. It's Lance."

I nodded. "I tried to convince him not to."

"Let me guess. He didn't listen," they laughed lightly. But even making light hearted jokes hurt.

"No.. he didn't." It was silent again. At least between us. "Fuck Pidge.. I really love him. And now.. now I'm scared I'm going to-"

"Don't finish that sentence. Because that's NOT going to happen. Okay?" I nodded. It was no use talking like he was going to die.

"There's another message!!" A scientist I'd never met caught our attention.

A screen was enlarged and the volume on the speakers was turned up as a news cast was turned on. The static affected the video and audio from down in the bunker to avoid tracking coming from us.

Suddenly it was like all the air was sucked out of my body as the face of the man I loved most in the world smiled on camera. His eyes pained, but a smile soft on his lips. What had they done to him?

"Hello to anyone watching. Both on Earth, and throughout the universe. This is Lance McClain. As you all know, I am a former paladin of  Voltron and protector of peace. I have found myself as the new crowned prince of Altea. As I should be," there was a pause and tears streamed down my face. "Please. If you're listening to this. Trust me. These people mean you not harm. We bring peace. These peoples are my people. The universe will be balanced and whole. Don't fight back. Violence is not needed. Welcome this new change to your planets. And you will find it worth your while. I look forward to seeing the peace you all find as we visit you. Planet. By planet." The screen cut to static and the anger rose high.

They had him. And they could hurt him.

There was no doubt in my mind he was used. They most likely had Rachel. Or someone close to him. I needed to find him, and save him.

Lance may have been trying to save the universe. But I needed to make sure he was a part of that universe. Because he was my universe.

(Author's Note: well shit, sorry that took so long to write. I would open it up and nothing would come out. I've rewritten Lance's opening paragraphs many times trying to figure out I wanted this chapter to flow. If I wanted Lance's speech in his perspective of Keith's. Ultimately I'm happy with it. Not my best writing but it needed an update.)

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