Chapter Fiffteen

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Lance POV

"Take him away." With her nose high in the air I was whisked away out of the bridge. Still cuffed.

I was numb. The light of the ship felt blinding as I replayed what had just happened in my mind. I was now a Prince. Not by choice. Even though I had agreed, I wouldn't call it choice. They had my sister, and I couldn't let them hurt her.

As we left Lucious leaned down and whispered into my ear. The fresh smell of juniberries coming from him. "Good choice," it was less malicious and without a ring of anything playful. It wasn't threatening either. I couldn't pin point what he was feeling. It was more like he was speaking from experience. Like he knew not to go against that commander, that fake queen.

We remained silent as they took me now to a room and not cell. "Cloths will be inside. You have twenty minutes your majesty, after that I won't hesitate to walk in on you undressed~," with a smirk Lucious opened the door and pushed me inside a luxurious room. Draped in blue lighting.

The white walls and floors made everything feel almost like a celestial dimension. It was like they wanted me to be a Prince. Live like one. Become one. All while being their prisoner that did whatever they wanted. I was truly nothing more than a puppet. Someone the universe knew to get them on planets. Blood coursing through my veins that made quick space travel possible. Magic that had endless possibilities. Only.

I had no idea how to use it.

As the doors latched shut the cuffs around my wrists fell. No doubt taken off from the outside.

There was little to nothing in the room. Mainly just furniture and a mirror. On the unnecessarily soft bed were robes... ones that looked too much Allura's.

I stood over the bed looking down at them. Holding back tears at the memory of the woman I once loved. It wasn't fair. None of this was. She was supposed to have given herself for peace. But now it was disrupted. And I was at the center of it.

Slipping off my clothes I looked around the corner to find a bathroom where I could bathe. Without hesitation I made the water as hot as I could. As the water came down and crawled down my protective skin I let the sobs I couldn't contain.

War was supposed to be gone from my life. I just wanted to be a farmer. Live in peace and be done with all that responsibility and weight. I didn't want to hold the universe in my hands anymore. And now my sister was direct danger because of me.

Suddenly the fear that I would never see Keith again struck me.

What would he do when he saw me adorned in robes and addressing the universe as the Prince responsible for the soon enslavement of trillions? The sobs came harder. Dropping to my knees I gripped my chest as though I could rip out my own heart. Surely he would hate me. I certainly did. But my decision was sound enough wasn't it? If I hadn't gave in they would have killed me and used my blood themselves. They would have killed my sister. And they would have moved on without me. Cooperating meant I could protect my blood. Play dumb, or act innocent. I could maybe destroy them from the inside. Or were those just stupid excuses so I didn't have to die? Was I just being selfish and protecting my own life?

I didn't have time to cry like that. As I closed my eyes and lifted my head to accept the steaming water I decided I wouldn't think about why I made the choice. But accept it. It was over now. I was the Prince and I would have to find a way to use it my advantage. It no longer mattered what I wanted. My dream of no involvement was over. The universe needed more than it ever did and it was time to step up to the plate.

With my body finally clean I dried myself. Looking at my naked body in the mirror.

I hadn't lost much muscle or weight with the amount of work the farm demanded. But the scars were still there. The wounds I'd carried with me. But as I looked on the outside I felt the inside wounds hurting more. Screaming for death. To let it all be over. I wondering if I could endure this again.

Stepping back into the main room I slipped on the silk and brushed my hair at the small vanity. Seeing my blue eyes reflect back at me as I gave myself a once over. My beauty didn't feel enough to be called royalty but maybe if I stood taller or smiled just right I could convince myself I was. I had the blood did I not?

As pointless as it was, I found myself fluffing out my hair and agonizing over it looking nice. The knowledge that whatever messages they wanted me to send would be seen by Keith made me feel want to at least look good for him. Even if he was going to end up hating me.

I loved him. Regardless if my love was going to be properly reciprocated. I just wanted to see him one last time before I became this being that I wasn't. For him to hold me in his arms and tell me he loved me again. His lips to meet mine and kiss me with the passion I'd never felt from anyone but him. The pain was almost too much. Biting my lip almost hard enough to draw blood I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what would would come next.

With a hiss the door opened again. "You clean up nice." Lucious smirked and crossed his arms.

Turning away from the mirror I stepped forward without a word. "I'm not going to fight anymore. I'll do as you say."

"It's not me you have to worry about," there it was again. That tone that I couldn't decipher. But I knew he was right. Starting now, he was going to be the least of my worries.

(Wow I don't think Lance has gotten a full POV chapter in AWHILE. I enjoyed this one. The story should get moving along much faster now. Sorry it's been taking so long.
I hope you're all enjoying it. Those still reading anyway :)

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