Chapter Eleven

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Keith POV
Time of the phone call...

I'm an idiot. The greatest in all the universe. A danger presents itself and I don't make myself readily available to protect the person I love most in this god forsaken Universe. Instead, I decide to distance myself galaxies away from him.

As the line goes dead I can't stop the tears that start to swell in my eyes. There's no choice in the pain I feel. My chest feels like a black hole taking my heart and the rest of my body with it. I will fail to exist if I can't save him.

Cosmo yells at me. His bright eyes look into mine. I can't look away as he continues to yell. He must know something is wrong, but I can't move. His nose starts to push me. The room is silent. Agents go about their daily routines and jobs assigned to them as thousands of lives are at stake across the universe on Earth, and I'm useless.

"Keith you're needed in ten minutes and you haven't even filled out the rest of your file work." Her voice trailed off, and I couldn't register my own head turning to see my mother looking at me with the saddest eyes I'd ever seen. They filled with pools of melancholy as I could see the immense worry she held. "Keith-"

The chair clattered to the ground, the metal ringing my ears as Cosmo screamed and my mother called after me. Though I had no recollection of ordering myself to move I was running for life itself as I knew what I had to do. Fuck being needed in space. Lance needed me. I didn't care about the universe this time. While I knew my responsibility to the people and peace of the universe my priority wasn't them for once. Everything that was driving me to move was nothing pure selfish desire. It was a flame that blazed in the pit of hell I'd dug myself in. The isolation and removal id put myself through was over. I was allowed to want to save my person above anyone else. I was allowed to have lance has my motivation for saving the universe. I was allowed to love him with every ounce of my being.

As the pod roared to life and my generals screamed I've the radio. Begging for an explanation. Needing to know the why behind my actions. According to their image of me, this was out of character. To them, I might have well have been possessed.

"KOGANE! We need this pod! It's our last ship with enough essence for a wormhole jump! The plan! Stick to the plan!" Their pleads didn't matter to me. This was the new plan.

"Listen to me, and listen to me closely. We were wrong, that ship is on Earth. And they want Altean magic to rule and destroy this universe. Now you let me have this fucking ship." I turned the ship into full throttle. And prepared the ship for light speed in putting the coordinates for Earth. "Change attack plans to octive sixteen, send full force to Earth, we're going to stop them, and we're going to them now!"

Lance. I'm coming for you.

Pidge POV
At the same instance, in the city...

The debris was suffocating. I felt it fill my lungs and force it's way out in heaving coughs. With my cursed, short ass, fucking arms, I pushed with everything in my being against the split blocks of cement above me. The blocks wouldn't budge. I'd lost a lot of muscle mass after my recent years as a researcher. It embarrassed me. I used to be a mighty paladin of voltron, and now I was going to die under blocks of compressed matter. Fuck. What the actual fuck happened to my life. Granted I loved it, but why did it have change in a matter of seconds like this. Didn't the universe know that everyone hates change by now? And yet, here it is to torment me. In a matter of hours not worth calculating, in preservation of my sanity, I would run of out oxygen and suffocate. I must of sustained a number of injuries because my body felt paralyzed. Something told me it wasn't, and it was better to bother moving them and see if there was any pain to follow.

I had to accept death. It was inevitable. At least I got to make scientific advancements. The world would just have to suffer without my intelligence. It was a shame too, I never got to acquire an apprentice and teach them everything I know.

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