Meet Ao; the survivor in the HQ from 17 years ago

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Part 1***


A clan head, Shikamaru Nara visits the cemetery and meets Ao, the survivor from the attack of 10 tails in the HQ 17 years ago.

"Oh, its you." Ao said and slightly bow. "I am Ao, the only survivor of the attack 17 years ago, in Hq." he continues and hands out to shake their hands.

"Hello sir, im Shikamaru Nara. Son of Shikaku Nara." He said and shakes hand with him.

"After the attack, and comatose for months, I don't have time to give to you." Ao said as he handed out a necklace with an simple silver ring with a initials on it. C stands as Chiyuko and S stand for name Shikamaru. And a heart between them.

"These are..... From Chiyu. How?" Shikamaru asked unbelievably. For so many years he saw again, the promise rings for each other.

"It was 17 years ago, the truth is... if weren't for her I would have died right now. She save me— no she was trying to save all from HQ. But unexpected happen." Tears fall down to his cheeks as he hold the necklace tightly.


"So this is our end huh." Shikaku said calmly as he already relies the last news for them to fight.

"No, it is still not." A voice from nowhere came. As a girl with silver hair and seafoam eyes. "Great Shield no Jutsu." She mumbled as a crimson red barrier form to each person and protected them.

"No one will die, we will go home breathing. None of the family, friends and comrades will die. Not on my watch." She mumbled again, as the jutsu completed. A huge boom happened, as the people in the war thought the Hq ninjas were already dead.

Shikamaru, as of now, you heard my voice, it means I successfully save them and i sadly died. Shikamaru, i know your going to get mad about my decision. I love you Shikamaru, and i always will. But you need to move on, just don't forget about me. And stop being lazy. Still, i love you, even you're the laziest in the whole ninja world. You're still my Shikamaru. I love you. A last message was rely as a second doom happen, unexpectedly, the second attack from Hq happen that cause much life as her sacrificed failed.


"Thank you for giving it to me, sir." He said a bow his head to the elder one. "No, i thank you. Because of the necklace, it saves my life. I was badly injured and had so much blood loss and I thought I couldn't make it after those. But she came before she disappear, she smiled and give me the necklace. And let me give it you. A powerful Jutsu happen and healed me like nothing, but also drained my chakra but it helps me. I owe my life to her and this necklace."

After a while talking, Ao bid a farewell as well as Shikamaru and go home with a smile. He then put the necklace on as he feel the warmth feeling like she was there and comforting him.

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