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Flashback part 4***


Shikamaru's Pov

"Sensei, try this doroyaki. Its really yummy. Specialty of a friend, right Shikamaru?" Choji teased and sit down.

"What a drag." I murmured.

"Shut it. Shikamaru, things are always drag to you." Ino said and scoffed. Asuma-sensei just chuckled at our conversation. I look around and saw Chiyuko coming with a tray ofdoroyaki and a juice, just like Choji's usual order.

Until she stopped, as i look at her eyes, a strange white like-snow flakes formed and as it lighten up. Tears run down her cheeks to chin as the tray she been holding slip out her hands.

I stand up, and call her out. She blinked and woken up and look at my eyes. As her eyes turn back at it was. "Are you okay Chiyuko?" I asked and help her with the tray. "Y-yeah. Sorry about that. I apologize for my mistake."

As she go to the kitchen and served another tray of doroyaki with a another small portion of it in a plate as apologize.

"So it's really true huh?" Sensei murmured that caught my attention. True? What is it? Is something wrong?

We maybe a couple but there's a few things I still don't know about her. But what ever it is. I will accept you. Chiyuko.


After a while, Chiyuko came out from the kitchen, with a bentos on her hand. She walks out of her own shop as tears run down her cheek.

"Shika, what do you think happened?" Choji asked as he continue to eat. "I don't know. And it's being a drag. *sigh* troublesome woman." I muttered. "Shut it, shikamaru. All things to you are drag or troublesome." Ino scoffed.


After we eat our snack, Sensei said that he will report to the lord hokage about our D-rank missions. I decide to stroll and also search for Chiyuko. As i walk around i saw her bidding goodbye at the team 7 and give the bentos she made while ago.

As she turn around i saw her eyes saddened, and approach her. "Shikamaru...." she said and burst her tears more. I hug and try to comfort her. And things getting so much troublesome.

"You can tell me, if there's a problem, You troublesome woman." I said and still hugging her.

And so we walk to the park, and told about everything about her. From being not from this world, a shadow hero, a Samara heiress, a, younger sister of Naruto... like everything. Also her special ability. Seeing what will happen to the future.

And also, as she saw in her vision while serving that time. Sasuke's death. I'm not close to Sasuke but he is our comrade after all.

"Thank you for listening to me, Shika. And please, let's keep it ourselves. Other than you, Hokage-sama and other Jounin know about my ability. As for being the sister of Naruto, i dont want him to know. Cause his lives would be in danger, if they my enemies recognize me, they would come to him. And im sorry for dragging you to my mess." She pleaded. "I promise, but you still need to tell him about being a sibling. You know Naruto is alone and he would be happy if his with you, his younger sister."

"Yeah i know that, but I can't risk his life and put him into danger, not just his but also the village. And I don't want that to happen. In the right time, i promise." She said as she stand up and face me.

But what caught me off guard when she kiss my forehead. "I love you, Shikamaru. I always will."

A story of my FIRST LOVE [[ShikamaruXReader]]Where stories live. Discover now