girl in the photo

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Part 2***


"I'm Home." I said as I open the door and go inside.

"Ukari." His wife, Temari welcomed him. "So how was your day?" She continue and smiled.

"The day is fine..... by the way, I met someone. From the Hq last war." He said that stopped Temari from her track.

"Who is it?" Temari asked. "He is Ao. He even gives this necklace and the ring." He said as he hand out the necklace. "He talked about father and her. Troublesome, right?" He said, and his eyes looked— relief instead of sad.

"Shikamaru. Okay. Let's stop this talk, and I continue to my cooking or no dinner." She playfully glare at him.

"By the way, I don't see Shikadai, is he home?" Shikamaru asked as he look around. "Oh, he is in the storage room. I asked him to look for something."

"Hmm. Okay." He said and lazily lie down on the couch, but interrupted by a sudden boom. "I'm okay!!" Shikadai shouted.


As I was trying to get the box I accidentally slip, causing some huge sound of an explosion. (Nothing happened just boom)

"I'm okay!!" I shouted to make sure mom won't get mad at me after this.

As I stand up, I bump into a photo album. I opened it and saw my father's young self. Let's say, I look like him when he was younger— and a girl beside him, who smiles with a peace sign on her fingers.

I open the next page and saw Tou-san, Lord Seventh, Aunt Sakura, Aunt Ino, Uncle Choji, Uncle Sai, the girl from before, A brown-haired man( same eyes as Aunt Hinata), Uncle Kiba, Metal's father, Aunt Hinata, and Aunt Tenten a picture of them talking sideways like they have their other world. And the second picture shows how sweet Tou-san and the girl. And last, on this page, all of them face the camera with a bright smiles.

I start again and look at the beginning, its shows the picture when they were still in academy, to genin, chunin and jonin, and before the war happened. But what caught my eyes, father lazily kneel before her as he put a ring to her hand.

Second a picture where the girl kiss Tou-san in his temple as he holds her close and wraps his arms around her waist—

"Shikadai! Time to eat now!" He looked at the clock, widen his eyes, hastened arranged the boxes, and came down. "Kaa-san, I couldn't find it." He said as he wash his hands. "It's okay, ill find it myself. Go ask your father." She said as she prepare the food.


We eat silently, but questions in my head are keeping me from lost in track.

Who is she? Why would my father marry my mother if he had already asked someone in the first place? What happened to them?

"Dai... shikadai. Are you okay?" His mother asked. "Y-yeah, I'm alright just thinking about something." He stuttered as he look at his parents, something caught his eyes. A necklace with a ring on it. The ring looked the same as the picture. Could be? No— impossible.



After dinner, his father walks up to prepare the game shogi. A pocket slip out his pocket which he didn't realize. Shikadai picks the wallet and opens it. He saw their small pocket picture. The day he was born, and his mother were holding him.

He take out the picture, as a smile formed on his face. But— as pull it out another picture fall. He picks it out. I love you so much, Shikamaru. Words from the back it said. I look at the picture and it hits me.

A picture of a silver-haired girl, wearing a ring and same necklace, bright smile on her face as his father lean his chin to her shoulder, and arms wrapped at her waist and her other hand was holding his head and the other holding on his hand.

Unexpectedly, Shikamaru came back to get his wallet. Until he saw his son holding a picture and his wallet. He scratched the back of his head. And look at his son. "Dad, who is she?" Shikadai asked bluntly to his father as his father sighed in defeat.

A story of my FIRST LOVE [[ShikamaruXReader]]Where stories live. Discover now